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Teaching and Learning
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CALL To Intent
Feb 2024
To Know
Teaching and Learning
Keep track of our past and future initiatives
CALL To Intent
Teaching and Learning
CALL To Intent
Feb 2024

What's New

In this edition, we share the insights of João Cordeiro Santos, a trainer that we bring to the spotlight for his expertise and contribution to new courses. Celfocus is always on the lookout for new trainers. If you too want to share your knowledge, please let us know at

Q: Are your trainees future trainers?

A: Certainly! In our training programs, I believe that everyone who learns has the chance to teach. Our training approach focuses on helping learners realize this potential, and it's really important to me that my trainees might become trainers in the future. I'm fully committed to helping others grow too.

Q: What kind of trainer are you?

A: I'm a practical and application-focused corporate trainer. My emphasis is on bridging the gap between theory and real-world scenarios. By bringing individuals from the operational side of our business into the training process, we ensure that discussions about leadership are grounded in practical experiences. This approach goes beyond theoretical concepts found in textbooks or role-plays, fostering an environment where real examples and personal experiences are exchanged. My goal is not only to facilitate participants in bringing their expertise to the forefront but also to share my own insights, creating a dynamic and enriching learning experience.

Q: What's the hardest thing you've had to teach in your course?

A: While teaching, one of the challenges I've encountered is emphasizing the importance of airtime management in communication. It's not necessarily the complexity of the concept itself, but making participants aware of the diversity in communication styles and the necessity to create an inclusive space where everyone can both speak and be actively listened to. Encouraging individuals to recognize and value different communication preferences while ensuring an equitable sharing space requires a nuanced approach. Balancing participation levels and fostering an environment where diverse voices are heard is crucial for effective collaboration and shared learning experiences.

Q: They say teaching is also learning, what have you learned from teaching

A: Teaching has shifted my perspective from a left-brained, analytical software engineer to a more emotionally connected approach. Connecting with people involves understanding their unique qualities and recognizing that effective teaching goes beyond information transfer. It's about creating an inclusive space where learners feel valued, heard, and inspired, emphasizing the importance of emotional intelligence in the educational process. This shift has not only improved my ability to convey information but has also enriched the overall learning experience by embracing the emotional and relational aspects of teaching.


Nova Sessions – Essentials and Feedback Conversations  

As we kick off 2024 at Celfocus, it's time for our annual Career and Performance Management (CPM) cycle. This process is key to your growth, and it’s a joint effort between you and your manager.Good career and development talks boost engagement and productivity, leading to more effective business results.We all have a role to play! Celfocus held two sessions about the CPM, if you didn’t have the chance to attend, you can watch the videos here: Development Essentials and Feedback Conversations.

Upcoming Events

Keep track of our next events

We are currently planning the events for 2024, and we will be providing updates as the dates draw near. You can stay informed by checking the calendar available on the Celfocus Intranet.

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What's New

In this edition, we share the insights of João Cordeiro Santos, a trainer that we bring to the spotlight for his expertise and contribution to new courses. Celfocus is always on the lookout for new trainers. If you too want to share your knowledge, please let us know at

Q: Are your trainees future trainers?

A: Certainly! In our training programs, I believe that everyone who learns has the chance to teach. Our training approach focuses on helping learners realize this potential, and it's really important to me that my trainees might become trainers in the future. I'm fully committed to helping others grow too.

Q: What kind of trainer are you?

A: I'm a practical and application-focused corporate trainer. My emphasis is on bridging the gap between theory and real-world scenarios. By bringing individuals from the operational side of our business into the training process, we ensure that discussions about leadership are grounded in practical experiences. This approach goes beyond theoretical concepts found in textbooks or role-plays, fostering an environment where real examples and personal experiences are exchanged. My goal is not only to facilitate participants in bringing their expertise to the forefront but also to share my own insights, creating a dynamic and enriching learning experience.

Q: What's the hardest thing you've had to teach in your course?

A: While teaching, one of the challenges I've encountered is emphasizing the importance of airtime management in communication. It's not necessarily the complexity of the concept itself, but making participants aware of the diversity in communication styles and the necessity to create an inclusive space where everyone can both speak and be actively listened to. Encouraging individuals to recognize and value different communication preferences while ensuring an equitable sharing space requires a nuanced approach. Balancing participation levels and fostering an environment where diverse voices are heard is crucial for effective collaboration and shared learning experiences.

Q: They say teaching is also learning, what have you learned from teaching

A: Teaching has shifted my perspective from a left-brained, analytical software engineer to a more emotionally connected approach. Connecting with people involves understanding their unique qualities and recognizing that effective teaching goes beyond information transfer. It's about creating an inclusive space where learners feel valued, heard, and inspired, emphasizing the importance of emotional intelligence in the educational process. This shift has not only improved my ability to convey information but has also enriched the overall learning experience by embracing the emotional and relational aspects of teaching.

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What's New

In this edition, we share the insights of João Cordeiro Santos, a trainer that we bring to the spotlight for his expertise and contribution to new courses. Celfocus is always on the lookout for new trainers. If you too want to share your knowledge, please let us know at

Q: Are your trainees future trainers?

A: Certainly! In our training programs, I believe that everyone who learns has the chance to teach. Our training approach focuses on helping learners realize this potential, and it's really important to me that my trainees might become trainers in the future. I'm fully committed to helping others grow too.

Q: What kind of trainer are you?

A: I'm a practical and application-focused corporate trainer. My emphasis is on bridging the gap between theory and real-world scenarios. By bringing individuals from the operational side of our business into the training process, we ensure that discussions about leadership are grounded in practical experiences. This approach goes beyond theoretical concepts found in textbooks or role-plays, fostering an environment where real examples and personal experiences are exchanged. My goal is not only to facilitate participants in bringing their expertise to the forefront but also to share my own insights, creating a dynamic and enriching learning experience.

Q: What's the hardest thing you've had to teach in your course?

A: While teaching, one of the challenges I've encountered is emphasizing the importance of airtime management in communication. It's not necessarily the complexity of the concept itself, but making participants aware of the diversity in communication styles and the necessity to create an inclusive space where everyone can both speak and be actively listened to. Encouraging individuals to recognize and value different communication preferences while ensuring an equitable sharing space requires a nuanced approach. Balancing participation levels and fostering an environment where diverse voices are heard is crucial for effective collaboration and shared learning experiences.

Q: They say teaching is also learning, what have you learned from teaching

A: Teaching has shifted my perspective from a left-brained, analytical software engineer to a more emotionally connected approach. Connecting with people involves understanding their unique qualities and recognizing that effective teaching goes beyond information transfer. It's about creating an inclusive space where learners feel valued, heard, and inspired, emphasizing the importance of emotional intelligence in the educational process. This shift has not only improved my ability to convey information but has also enriched the overall learning experience by embracing the emotional and relational aspects of teaching.


Nova Sessions – Essentials and Feedback Conversations  

As we kick off 2024 at Celfocus, it's time for our annual Career and Performance Management (CPM) cycle. This process is key to your growth, and it’s a joint effort between you and your manager.Good career and development talks boost engagement and productivity, leading to more effective business results.We all have a role to play! Celfocus held two sessions about the CPM, if you didn’t have the chance to attend, you can watch the videos here: Development Essentials and Feedback Conversations.

Upcoming Events

Keep track of our next events

We are currently planning the events for 2024, and we will be providing updates as the dates draw near. You can stay informed by checking the calendar available on the Celfocus Intranet.

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