To Know
Intent; Resistance and Evolution
Edition Editorial and Overview
CALL To Intent
Feb 2024
To Know
Intent; Resistance and Evolution
Edition Editorial and Overview
CALL To Intent
Feb 2024
Intent; Resistance and Evolution
CALL To Intent
Feb 2024

Intent, Resistance, and Evolution

Change is an art form, a delicate exchange between the old and the new. In any organization, the intent to evolve is akin to stepping into the unknown. It's exciting but also fraught with the resistance of those who see a different path.

Resistance lies in the comfort of the known. We're creatures of habit, as change isn't just a decision — it's a leap into a new direction.

But here's the catch: resistance to change isn't just stubbornness. It's fear — fear of the unknown. This fear can turn an organization into a battleground, where the new progress steps meet the status quo's defensive steps.

The journey of change is never a solo performance. It's a collaborative effort, a dance that requires every member to participate, learn, stumble, and grow. It's about finding the balance between the new's excitement and the familiar's warmth.

The intent to change is merely the first step in a long journey. Embracing this change, managing the resistance, and guiding the dance of transformation is the true art of innovation.

What to look for in this edition?

In this edition of CALL, you will find news about our team, projects and internal initiatives. Here are some of the articles you can find:

  • Project Stories - Over the past months, our MOST team has diligently worked on developing 5G SA Node Integration for Vodafone MPN solutions. We are thrilled to announce that 5G MPN is officially live. Read the article to know more about this significant milestone;
  • New @ Celfocus – As usual, we present the colleagues who recently joined our team;
  • Celfocus Awards 4th Edition - Get to know the nominations and honourable mentions;
  • Keeping Up – Discover our internal initiatives: what’s new, what happened, and what to look for;
  • & So Much More – Explore our external content and get inspired!

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Intent, Resistance, and Evolution

Change is an art form, a delicate exchange between the old and the new. In any organization, the intent to evolve is akin to stepping into the unknown. It's exciting but also fraught with the resistance of those who see a different path.

Resistance lies in the comfort of the known. We're creatures of habit, as change isn't just a decision — it's a leap into a new direction.

But here's the catch: resistance to change isn't just stubbornness. It's fear — fear of the unknown. This fear can turn an organization into a battleground, where the new progress steps meet the status quo's defensive steps.

The journey of change is never a solo performance. It's a collaborative effort, a dance that requires every member to participate, learn, stumble, and grow. It's about finding the balance between the new's excitement and the familiar's warmth.

The intent to change is merely the first step in a long journey. Embracing this change, managing the resistance, and guiding the dance of transformation is the true art of innovation.

What to look for in this edition?

In this edition of CALL, you will find news about our team, projects and internal initiatives. Here are some of the articles you can find:

  • Project Stories - Over the past months, our MOST team has diligently worked on developing 5G SA Node Integration for Vodafone MPN solutions. We are thrilled to announce that 5G MPN is officially live. Read the article to know more about this significant milestone;
  • New @ Celfocus – As usual, we present the colleagues who recently joined our team;
  • Celfocus Awards 4th Edition - Get to know the nominations and honourable mentions;
  • Keeping Up – Discover our internal initiatives: what’s new, what happened, and what to look for;
  • & So Much More – Explore our external content and get inspired!

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Intent, Resistance, and Evolution

Change is an art form, a delicate exchange between the old and the new. In any organization, the intent to evolve is akin to stepping into the unknown. It's exciting but also fraught with the resistance of those who see a different path.

Resistance lies in the comfort of the known. We're creatures of habit, as change isn't just a decision — it's a leap into a new direction.

But here's the catch: resistance to change isn't just stubbornness. It's fear — fear of the unknown. This fear can turn an organization into a battleground, where the new progress steps meet the status quo's defensive steps.

The journey of change is never a solo performance. It's a collaborative effort, a dance that requires every member to participate, learn, stumble, and grow. It's about finding the balance between the new's excitement and the familiar's warmth.

The intent to change is merely the first step in a long journey. Embracing this change, managing the resistance, and guiding the dance of transformation is the true art of innovation.

What to look for in this edition?

In this edition of CALL, you will find news about our team, projects and internal initiatives. Here are some of the articles you can find:

  • Project Stories - Over the past months, our MOST team has diligently worked on developing 5G SA Node Integration for Vodafone MPN solutions. We are thrilled to announce that 5G MPN is officially live. Read the article to know more about this significant milestone;
  • New @ Celfocus – As usual, we present the colleagues who recently joined our team;
  • Celfocus Awards 4th Edition - Get to know the nominations and honourable mentions;
  • Keeping Up – Discover our internal initiatives: what’s new, what happened, and what to look for;
  • & So Much More – Explore our external content and get inspired!

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