To You
Spiral dynamics
Flash Interview with Luís Paulo Salvado
CALL To Seasons
Jul 2022
To You
Spiral dynamics
Flash Interview with Luís Paulo Salvado
CALL To Seasons
Jul 2022
Spiral dynamics
CALL To Seasons
Jul 2022

What is the technological force that most fascinates you today and how do you benefit from it on a daily basis?

The amount of data currently produced has enormous potential value. Technologies such as AI and Big Data, among others, can access and activate this value, revolutionizing the way we live and work. Many of our everyday routines will be automated, freeing us up for a more creative and fulfilling life.

Personally, I try to make the most of it, but I still haven't found Samantha, the fabulous virtual assistant from the movie “Her”.

Do you believe "History repeats itself" or is each moment unique and unrepeatable? How does that fit with your professional life?

Both are true. There are patterns that repeat themselves, as Ray Dalio surprisingly reveals in “The Changing World Order” or the fascinating theory “Spiral Dynamics” about the evolution of civilizations.

But each moment is also unique, due to its specific context.

My life mirrors this duality. There are cycles that repeat themselves, but each one has its own identity. As CEO of Celfocus, for example, I have the same type of challenges that I faced in the past but framed in a different reality.

The important thing is that we live each moment to the fullest because everything we need is always in front of us.

Tell us about a book that has stayed with you in such a way that whenever you revisit it, you discover something surprising.

“O Guardador de Rebanhos” by Caeiro, especially “Num meio-dia de fim de primavera” and “Tabacaria” by Álvaro de Campos are poems I frequently revisit, as if I were reading them for the first time.

We see the world as we are and not as it is, so it is natural to see things differently as we become more mature and aware. Geniuses like Fernando Pessoa manage to amplify this effect, surprising us every time we come back to their work.

Looking at the technological evolution, what current success has its days numbered? Why?

All of them. The frenetic pace of innovation and progress dictate just that. Metaverse, for example, will make the way we use the internet obsolete, with profound impacts on countless businesses and business models.

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In your opinion, which of Celfocus’ characteristics should never go out of style? Why?

Adaptability, a heritage from Novabase. This is how our group managed to assert itself, in a market where large multinationals had absolute dominance.

It's a competitive advantage in an increasingly unpredictable planet. In addition to VUCA - “Volatile”, “Uncertain”, “Complex”, “Ambiguous” – a BANI world begins to emerge - “Brittle”, “Anxious”, “Non-linear”, “Incomprehensible”.

What would you recommend for a summer reading and some binge watching?

I recommend that you rest and have fun, you certainly need to switch off. I almost feel like saying “what a pleasure to have a book to read and not do it” … But let's get to the suggestions.

To read, Heinlein's “Stranger in a Strange Land”, the bible of the hippies in the sixties. It is an amazing story, with many of the perplexities of today’s world.

To see, the “Groundhog Day”. I've watched it countless times and only after a certain point did I understood its great message.

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What is the technological force that most fascinates you today and how do you benefit from it on a daily basis?

The amount of data currently produced has enormous potential value. Technologies such as AI and Big Data, among others, can access and activate this value, revolutionizing the way we live and work. Many of our everyday routines will be automated, freeing us up for a more creative and fulfilling life.

Personally, I try to make the most of it, but I still haven't found Samantha, the fabulous virtual assistant from the movie “Her”.

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In your opinion, which of Celfocus’ characteristics should never go out of style? Why?

Adaptability, a heritage from Novabase. This is how our group managed to assert itself, in a market where large multinationals had absolute dominance.

It's a competitive advantage in an increasingly unpredictable planet. In addition to VUCA - “Volatile”, “Uncertain”, “Complex”, “Ambiguous” – a BANI world begins to emerge - “Brittle”, “Anxious”, “Non-linear”, “Incomprehensible”.

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What is the technological force that most fascinates you today and how do you benefit from it on a daily basis?

The amount of data currently produced has enormous potential value. Technologies such as AI and Big Data, among others, can access and activate this value, revolutionizing the way we live and work. Many of our everyday routines will be automated, freeing us up for a more creative and fulfilling life.

Personally, I try to make the most of it, but I still haven't found Samantha, the fabulous virtual assistant from the movie “Her”.

Do you believe "History repeats itself" or is each moment unique and unrepeatable? How does that fit with your professional life?

Both are true. There are patterns that repeat themselves, as Ray Dalio surprisingly reveals in “The Changing World Order” or the fascinating theory “Spiral Dynamics” about the evolution of civilizations.

But each moment is also unique, due to its specific context.

My life mirrors this duality. There are cycles that repeat themselves, but each one has its own identity. As CEO of Celfocus, for example, I have the same type of challenges that I faced in the past but framed in a different reality.

The important thing is that we live each moment to the fullest because everything we need is always in front of us.

Tell us about a book that has stayed with you in such a way that whenever you revisit it, you discover something surprising.

“O Guardador de Rebanhos” by Caeiro, especially “Num meio-dia de fim de primavera” and “Tabacaria” by Álvaro de Campos are poems I frequently revisit, as if I were reading them for the first time.

We see the world as we are and not as it is, so it is natural to see things differently as we become more mature and aware. Geniuses like Fernando Pessoa manage to amplify this effect, surprising us every time we come back to their work.

Looking at the technological evolution, what current success has its days numbered? Why?

All of them. The frenetic pace of innovation and progress dictate just that. Metaverse, for example, will make the way we use the internet obsolete, with profound impacts on countless businesses and business models.

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In your opinion, which of Celfocus’ characteristics should never go out of style? Why?

Adaptability, a heritage from Novabase. This is how our group managed to assert itself, in a market where large multinationals had absolute dominance.

It's a competitive advantage in an increasingly unpredictable planet. In addition to VUCA - “Volatile”, “Uncertain”, “Complex”, “Ambiguous” – a BANI world begins to emerge - “Brittle”, “Anxious”, “Non-linear”, “Incomprehensible”.

What would you recommend for a summer reading and some binge watching?

I recommend that you rest and have fun, you certainly need to switch off. I almost feel like saying “what a pleasure to have a book to read and not do it” … But let's get to the suggestions.

To read, Heinlein's “Stranger in a Strange Land”, the bible of the hippies in the sixties. It is an amazing story, with many of the perplexities of today’s world.

To see, the “Groundhog Day”. I've watched it countless times and only after a certain point did I understood its great message.

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