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Nov 2023
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Nov 2023
Evolving Landscape
CALL To Generative AI
Nov 2023

What's New

Leading Teams Foundations: Shaping Tomorrow's Empowered Leaders

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, the role of leaders has shifted dramatically. Vision, charisma, and traditional command-and-control approaches have become obsolete in the face of unpredictability and complexity. As new challenges emerge, we find that no single person holds all the answers. Adapting to the demands of today's dynamic business environment is what drives us forward.

As leaders, we are called upon to empower our teams, granting them the autonomy to self-organize and take ownership of their responsibilities on the front lines. Leading is not just about holding a position but rather about adopting a perpetual learner's mindset. It entails taking responsibility for our personal development while also nurturing growth and learning within our teams. This means creating a safe space for experimentation and continuous learning. A space where constructive feedback is welcomed, and team members are enthusiastic about self-improvement, unafraid of exposing their vulnerabilities and mistakes.

Embracing a growth mindset requires leaders to commit to being a "work in progress." It's a journey that demands trial and practice. To excel in any skill, you must actively practice it. While reading books and attending events focused on leadership is valuable for raising awareness and engaging in discussions about effective leadership and sustainable change, it alone is insufficient if it remains merely an intellectual exercise.

How can Celfocus Training help?

In our Leading Teams Foundations training, you will not only gain an understanding of the core principles of effective leadership but, more importantly, you will immerse yourself in hands-on learning. Our program is deeply rooted in the real-life situations and daily challenges you encounter at Celfocus. You will gain self-awareness regarding the impact you have on your teams and how to leverage your strengths to excel in what you are already proficient at while enhancing areas where growth is needed. By actively addressing your current challenges, you will learn from peer feedback and collective experiences within a secure and transparent environment. This course encourages you to both learn and teach through dialogue, collective knowledge sharing, and the collaborative creation of innovative solutions.

Join us on this transformative journey to become the leaders of tomorrow, equipped not only with theoretical knowledge but also with practical skills and a growth-oriented mindset. This shift in perspective will not only elevate your leadership abilities but also empower your teams, creating lasting impacts in today's ever-evolving business world. Your path to becoming an effective leader begins here.

To learn more about our training offers, please explore our catalog here or contact us at


  • Rita Branquinho Lobo distinguished at the Iberian Gold Awards

Rita Branquinho Lobo, Head of Legal at Novabase and Celfocus, has just been distinguished at the VII Edition of the Iberian Gold Awards in the In-House Counsel of the Year Services & Consultancy category. These awards recognize the excellence of professionals who perform in-house functions in Portugal and Spain, in areas such as Legal, Taxes, Human Resources and Finance. Congratulations for this award!

  • Celfocus 23rd Anniversary

During the month of October, we invited all Celfies to participate in different activities, according to their interests, curiosities, and hobbies. This year's celebration brought moments to unwind, learn and experience something new.

Watch the video below with a brief recap:

  • Hack This – Unleash the Hacker in You

We hosted another edition of this competition where you can develop your hacking skills and win prizes! The mission was to hack a Celfocus product and find its vulnerabilities. What were the prizes? A Flipper Zero, a Raspberry Pi 4, and Arduino's Kits.Congratulations to our winners:1st Place: Bruno Anjos, Eduardo Roque Oliveira and Sofia da Silva Pereira2nd Place: Jefferson Kozak, Noha Khaled and Rui Lima3rd Place: Ana Rita Fragoso, Rui Pedro Silva and Rui Prior

  • Magusto

On November 9th, we gathered in Lisbon and Porto to enjoy warm, roasted chestnuts on the ground floor of our offices. You can see the photos on our Instagram.

Upcoming Events

  • Novabase Group Holiday Celebration’23

On December 13th, we will celebrate the holiday season and the exciting year ahead! Holidays are all about celebrating what brings us together. We are counting on you to make this night a real party!

Please sign up until November 30th, until 6PM (don't wait until this deadline to register if you know you're not going to miss this party)! Get all the details on SharePoint.

  • Holiday Season – Dinner in Porto

Join us for dinner in Porto! As per our tradition, let’s bring our Porto team together to celebrate the holiday season! Sign up until November 22nd. Registration for this event is mandatory.

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What's New

Leading Teams Foundations: Shaping Tomorrow's Empowered Leaders

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, the role of leaders has shifted dramatically. Vision, charisma, and traditional command-and-control approaches have become obsolete in the face of unpredictability and complexity. As new challenges emerge, we find that no single person holds all the answers. Adapting to the demands of today's dynamic business environment is what drives us forward.

As leaders, we are called upon to empower our teams, granting them the autonomy to self-organize and take ownership of their responsibilities on the front lines. Leading is not just about holding a position but rather about adopting a perpetual learner's mindset. It entails taking responsibility for our personal development while also nurturing growth and learning within our teams. This means creating a safe space for experimentation and continuous learning. A space where constructive feedback is welcomed, and team members are enthusiastic about self-improvement, unafraid of exposing their vulnerabilities and mistakes.

Embracing a growth mindset requires leaders to commit to being a "work in progress." It's a journey that demands trial and practice. To excel in any skill, you must actively practice it. While reading books and attending events focused on leadership is valuable for raising awareness and engaging in discussions about effective leadership and sustainable change, it alone is insufficient if it remains merely an intellectual exercise.

How can Celfocus Training help?

In our Leading Teams Foundations training, you will not only gain an understanding of the core principles of effective leadership but, more importantly, you will immerse yourself in hands-on learning. Our program is deeply rooted in the real-life situations and daily challenges you encounter at Celfocus. You will gain self-awareness regarding the impact you have on your teams and how to leverage your strengths to excel in what you are already proficient at while enhancing areas where growth is needed. By actively addressing your current challenges, you will learn from peer feedback and collective experiences within a secure and transparent environment. This course encourages you to both learn and teach through dialogue, collective knowledge sharing, and the collaborative creation of innovative solutions.

Join us on this transformative journey to become the leaders of tomorrow, equipped not only with theoretical knowledge but also with practical skills and a growth-oriented mindset. This shift in perspective will not only elevate your leadership abilities but also empower your teams, creating lasting impacts in today's ever-evolving business world. Your path to becoming an effective leader begins here.

To learn more about our training offers, please explore our catalog here or contact us at

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What's New

Leading Teams Foundations: Shaping Tomorrow's Empowered Leaders

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, the role of leaders has shifted dramatically. Vision, charisma, and traditional command-and-control approaches have become obsolete in the face of unpredictability and complexity. As new challenges emerge, we find that no single person holds all the answers. Adapting to the demands of today's dynamic business environment is what drives us forward.

As leaders, we are called upon to empower our teams, granting them the autonomy to self-organize and take ownership of their responsibilities on the front lines. Leading is not just about holding a position but rather about adopting a perpetual learner's mindset. It entails taking responsibility for our personal development while also nurturing growth and learning within our teams. This means creating a safe space for experimentation and continuous learning. A space where constructive feedback is welcomed, and team members are enthusiastic about self-improvement, unafraid of exposing their vulnerabilities and mistakes.

Embracing a growth mindset requires leaders to commit to being a "work in progress." It's a journey that demands trial and practice. To excel in any skill, you must actively practice it. While reading books and attending events focused on leadership is valuable for raising awareness and engaging in discussions about effective leadership and sustainable change, it alone is insufficient if it remains merely an intellectual exercise.

How can Celfocus Training help?

In our Leading Teams Foundations training, you will not only gain an understanding of the core principles of effective leadership but, more importantly, you will immerse yourself in hands-on learning. Our program is deeply rooted in the real-life situations and daily challenges you encounter at Celfocus. You will gain self-awareness regarding the impact you have on your teams and how to leverage your strengths to excel in what you are already proficient at while enhancing areas where growth is needed. By actively addressing your current challenges, you will learn from peer feedback and collective experiences within a secure and transparent environment. This course encourages you to both learn and teach through dialogue, collective knowledge sharing, and the collaborative creation of innovative solutions.

Join us on this transformative journey to become the leaders of tomorrow, equipped not only with theoretical knowledge but also with practical skills and a growth-oriented mindset. This shift in perspective will not only elevate your leadership abilities but also empower your teams, creating lasting impacts in today's ever-evolving business world. Your path to becoming an effective leader begins here.

To learn more about our training offers, please explore our catalog here or contact us at


  • Rita Branquinho Lobo distinguished at the Iberian Gold Awards

Rita Branquinho Lobo, Head of Legal at Novabase and Celfocus, has just been distinguished at the VII Edition of the Iberian Gold Awards in the In-House Counsel of the Year Services & Consultancy category. These awards recognize the excellence of professionals who perform in-house functions in Portugal and Spain, in areas such as Legal, Taxes, Human Resources and Finance. Congratulations for this award!

  • Celfocus 23rd Anniversary

During the month of October, we invited all Celfies to participate in different activities, according to their interests, curiosities, and hobbies. This year's celebration brought moments to unwind, learn and experience something new.

Watch the video below with a brief recap:

  • Hack This – Unleash the Hacker in You

We hosted another edition of this competition where you can develop your hacking skills and win prizes! The mission was to hack a Celfocus product and find its vulnerabilities. What were the prizes? A Flipper Zero, a Raspberry Pi 4, and Arduino's Kits.Congratulations to our winners:1st Place: Bruno Anjos, Eduardo Roque Oliveira and Sofia da Silva Pereira2nd Place: Jefferson Kozak, Noha Khaled and Rui Lima3rd Place: Ana Rita Fragoso, Rui Pedro Silva and Rui Prior

  • Magusto

On November 9th, we gathered in Lisbon and Porto to enjoy warm, roasted chestnuts on the ground floor of our offices. You can see the photos on our Instagram.

Upcoming Events

  • Novabase Group Holiday Celebration’23

On December 13th, we will celebrate the holiday season and the exciting year ahead! Holidays are all about celebrating what brings us together. We are counting on you to make this night a real party!

Please sign up until November 30th, until 6PM (don't wait until this deadline to register if you know you're not going to miss this party)! Get all the details on SharePoint.

  • Holiday Season – Dinner in Porto

Join us for dinner in Porto! As per our tradition, let’s bring our Porto team together to celebrate the holiday season! Sign up until November 22nd. Registration for this event is mandatory.

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