To Know
Human-AI Symphony
Edition Editorial and Overview
CALL To Generative AI
Nov 2023
To Know
Human-AI Symphony
Edition Editorial and Overview
CALL To Generative AI
Nov 2023
Human-AI Symphony
CALL To Generative AI
Nov 2023

A broader view in content creation

This issue of CALL steps into a unique experiment: a fusion of human intuition and the capabilities of Generative AI. We've ventured into the world of artificial intelligence, collaborating with ChatGPT to co-curate sections of our content and breathe new life into our traditional narrative.

Think of this issue as a canvas where our usual human-driven insights dance alongside AI-generated interpretations. For select pieces, we've handed the reins to ChatGPT, allowing it to comment, interpret, and contextualize from a Generative AI standpoint. This isn't merely leveraging AI as a tool; it's inviting it as a co-contributor, a fresh voice bringing unexpected layers of depth.

Our approach to this issue is one of exploration rather than stringent curation. We've chosen to minimize filters, letting the AI surprise and intrigue us. The objective? To delve deeper, to challenge our norms, and to provide you with a broader, multifaceted view.

To be clear, this is an exploration, an experiment in understanding the union of human and machine in the realm of content creation. Whether it becomes a staple or remains a one-off venture, our commitment is to provoke thought, ignite conversations, and ensure CALL remains your trusted source of rich content.

Dive into this special issue with an open mind. Engage with the unexpected twists and turns, the familiar, and the novel. And as always, we'd love to hear your feedback on this AI-driven endeavor.

What to look for in this edition?

In this edition of CALL, things might have been done a little differently, but you'll still be able to find content about our team, projects, internal initiatives, and events.

Here are some of the articles you can find:

  • Project Stories | stc Wholesale - Get to know this project developed with the leading telecommunications provider in the Middle East region;
  • New @ Celfocus – As usual, we present the colleagues who recently joined our team;
  • Evolving Landscape – A look into what’s happening internally at Celfocus;
  • & So Much More – Discover our external content and get inspired by this co-creation!
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A broader view in content creation

This issue of CALL steps into a unique experiment: a fusion of human intuition and the capabilities of Generative AI. We've ventured into the world of artificial intelligence, collaborating with ChatGPT to co-curate sections of our content and breathe new life into our traditional narrative.

Think of this issue as a canvas where our usual human-driven insights dance alongside AI-generated interpretations. For select pieces, we've handed the reins to ChatGPT, allowing it to comment, interpret, and contextualize from a Generative AI standpoint. This isn't merely leveraging AI as a tool; it's inviting it as a co-contributor, a fresh voice bringing unexpected layers of depth.

Our approach to this issue is one of exploration rather than stringent curation. We've chosen to minimize filters, letting the AI surprise and intrigue us. The objective? To delve deeper, to challenge our norms, and to provide you with a broader, multifaceted view.

To be clear, this is an exploration, an experiment in understanding the union of human and machine in the realm of content creation. Whether it becomes a staple or remains a one-off venture, our commitment is to provoke thought, ignite conversations, and ensure CALL remains your trusted source of rich content.

Dive into this special issue with an open mind. Engage with the unexpected twists and turns, the familiar, and the novel. And as always, we'd love to hear your feedback on this AI-driven endeavor.

What to look for in this edition?

In this edition of CALL, things might have been done a little differently, but you'll still be able to find content about our team, projects, internal initiatives, and events.

Here are some of the articles you can find:

  • Project Stories | stc Wholesale - Get to know this project developed with the leading telecommunications provider in the Middle East region;
  • New @ Celfocus – As usual, we present the colleagues who recently joined our team;
  • Evolving Landscape – A look into what’s happening internally at Celfocus;
  • & So Much More – Discover our external content and get inspired by this co-creation!
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A broader view in content creation

This issue of CALL steps into a unique experiment: a fusion of human intuition and the capabilities of Generative AI. We've ventured into the world of artificial intelligence, collaborating with ChatGPT to co-curate sections of our content and breathe new life into our traditional narrative.

Think of this issue as a canvas where our usual human-driven insights dance alongside AI-generated interpretations. For select pieces, we've handed the reins to ChatGPT, allowing it to comment, interpret, and contextualize from a Generative AI standpoint. This isn't merely leveraging AI as a tool; it's inviting it as a co-contributor, a fresh voice bringing unexpected layers of depth.

Our approach to this issue is one of exploration rather than stringent curation. We've chosen to minimize filters, letting the AI surprise and intrigue us. The objective? To delve deeper, to challenge our norms, and to provide you with a broader, multifaceted view.

To be clear, this is an exploration, an experiment in understanding the union of human and machine in the realm of content creation. Whether it becomes a staple or remains a one-off venture, our commitment is to provoke thought, ignite conversations, and ensure CALL remains your trusted source of rich content.

Dive into this special issue with an open mind. Engage with the unexpected twists and turns, the familiar, and the novel. And as always, we'd love to hear your feedback on this AI-driven endeavor.

What to look for in this edition?

In this edition of CALL, things might have been done a little differently, but you'll still be able to find content about our team, projects, internal initiatives, and events.

Here are some of the articles you can find:

  • Project Stories | stc Wholesale - Get to know this project developed with the leading telecommunications provider in the Middle East region;
  • New @ Celfocus – As usual, we present the colleagues who recently joined our team;
  • Evolving Landscape – A look into what’s happening internally at Celfocus;
  • & So Much More – Discover our external content and get inspired by this co-creation!
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