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It's Up to Us
Flash interview with Tânia Videira
CALL To Evolution
Sep 2024
To You
It's Up to Us
Flash interview with Tânia Videira
CALL To Evolution
Sep 2024
It's Up to Us
CALL To Evolution
Sep 2024

Meet Tânia Videira

What is the secret ingredient that Celfocus should proudly showcase to its clients?

Celfocus has a lot of brilliant minds in-house, skillful in finding solutions to complex challenges and when you can combine the right minds, it’s like chemistry, and magic happens. That is the magic we should proudly showcase to our clients.

With all this access to data science, are we witnessing a progressive normalisation of the advantages of technology in business?

We are witnessing a democratisation of access to technology to a vast number of companies that in the past, not even dreamt about it. Data science enables companies to analyse massive amounts of data, uncover insights that drive strategic decisions, optimise operations, and enhance customer experiences, assuring that businesses of all sizes can take advantage of powerful data to innovate and succeed in an increasingly complex landscape. Nevertheless, is not a pink world for every company. The technological gap can be reduced but will continue to exist, just at a different level. As technology evolves, other types of challenges are uncovered, bigger and more complex, and, with the advancements of technology, can now be dared to be solved.

From your perspective, tell us what makes us better prepared to evolve and beat the competition?

The mindset embedded in Celfocus makes us more prepared to evolve and beat the competition. Let’s go back to the golden age of the Portuguese discoveries of the 15th and 16th centuries. During that era, Portugal emerged as a leading maritime power, not just because of its advanced navigational techniques, but due to a unique combination of strategic vision, adaptability, and insatiable thirst for knowledge. Bringing us up to today’s reality, and adding the value of our multicultural environment, our cross-functional teams, and our collaborative approach to complex challenges and opportunities, allow us to integrate diverse perspectives and expertise, and propose unique solutions. This interdisciplinary synergy enhances our agility and problem-solving capabilities, positioning us to respond effectively to evolving market dynamics, and remain resilient and competitive, even in the face of adversity.

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Do clients today need more help than in the past to decide what to do with this technological wave? Why?

As stated above, we are experiencing a democratization of technology, made accessible to companies of any size to make use of it in a seamless way to improve their business challenges. But, at the same time the pace of technological advancements is unprecedented, introducing numerous innovations that can be overwhelming to understand and evaluate, each promising significant benefits but also requiring careful consideration of their applicability, implementation and integration into existing business models. The wrong choice or delayed adoption can result in a “disaster” for a client.  

Clients indeed require more assistance today to navigate and make informed decisions, therefore, our role as advisors/partners/experts has never been so critical. By offering our expertise, tailored-made solutions, and ongoing support, we empower our clients to confidently embrace the technological wave and use it in its favor for sustainable growth and success.

With how quickly everything changes in technology, is it inevitable to have to improvise and take more risks to evolve? Why?

Improvising, taking risks,and failing are part of the process. Steve Jobs, considered by many a visionary, a pioneer, and a master of innovation, failed several times along the process but that didn’t dissuade him from continuing to take risks and,eventually, failing again. Resilience, determination, creativity, and a bit of gut feeling too are part of it. We cannot expect to have a different result, in the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, if we continue approaching problems the same way we did in the past. Taking risks is essential to drive growth and differentiation. Calculated risks open up possibilities for innovations and significant advancements, distinguishing leaders from followers. So, it’s up to us to decide if we want to be the followers or risk being the leaders.

Describe how you see the evolution of the world of technology services in the coming years. Feel free to be futuristic and speculate!

I don’t believe in the fatalistic vision of James Cameron of The Terminator, where machines will take control over the world. I have a bit more faith in humankind. All technology can definitely be used for good or for bad, and it’s up to us to choose which side of the force we’ll be.

I love the idea of going out and the only thing I take with me is my mobile phone, where I have everything on it: my key, my ID, my driving license, my wallet, my laptop… no more crowded women’s bags! So, I’m looking forward to what’s next! I believe in a future where technology enhances human potential, and not destroy it, and nurtures a more sustainable and equitable world, marked by intelligence, connectivity, and responsibility, where human beings can use the extra time to be more human. So, phrasing Louis Armstrong… “And I think to myself, what a wonderful world”!

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Meet Tânia Videira

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Do clients today need more help than in the past to decide what to do with this technological wave? Why?

As stated above, we are experiencing a democratization of technology, made accessible to companies of any size to make use of it in a seamless way to improve their business challenges. But, at the same time the pace of technological advancements is unprecedented, introducing numerous innovations that can be overwhelming to understand and evaluate, each promising significant benefits but also requiring careful consideration of their applicability, implementation and integration into existing business models. The wrong choice or delayed adoption can result in a “disaster” for a client.  

Clients indeed require more assistance today to navigate and make informed decisions, therefore, our role as advisors/partners/experts has never been so critical. By offering our expertise, tailored-made solutions, and ongoing support, we empower our clients to confidently embrace the technological wave and use it in its favor for sustainable growth and success.

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Meet Tânia Videira

What is the secret ingredient that Celfocus should proudly showcase to its clients?

Celfocus has a lot of brilliant minds in-house, skillful in finding solutions to complex challenges and when you can combine the right minds, it’s like chemistry, and magic happens. That is the magic we should proudly showcase to our clients.

With all this access to data science, are we witnessing a progressive normalisation of the advantages of technology in business?

We are witnessing a democratisation of access to technology to a vast number of companies that in the past, not even dreamt about it. Data science enables companies to analyse massive amounts of data, uncover insights that drive strategic decisions, optimise operations, and enhance customer experiences, assuring that businesses of all sizes can take advantage of powerful data to innovate and succeed in an increasingly complex landscape. Nevertheless, is not a pink world for every company. The technological gap can be reduced but will continue to exist, just at a different level. As technology evolves, other types of challenges are uncovered, bigger and more complex, and, with the advancements of technology, can now be dared to be solved.

From your perspective, tell us what makes us better prepared to evolve and beat the competition?

The mindset embedded in Celfocus makes us more prepared to evolve and beat the competition. Let’s go back to the golden age of the Portuguese discoveries of the 15th and 16th centuries. During that era, Portugal emerged as a leading maritime power, not just because of its advanced navigational techniques, but due to a unique combination of strategic vision, adaptability, and insatiable thirst for knowledge. Bringing us up to today’s reality, and adding the value of our multicultural environment, our cross-functional teams, and our collaborative approach to complex challenges and opportunities, allow us to integrate diverse perspectives and expertise, and propose unique solutions. This interdisciplinary synergy enhances our agility and problem-solving capabilities, positioning us to respond effectively to evolving market dynamics, and remain resilient and competitive, even in the face of adversity.

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Do clients today need more help than in the past to decide what to do with this technological wave? Why?

As stated above, we are experiencing a democratization of technology, made accessible to companies of any size to make use of it in a seamless way to improve their business challenges. But, at the same time the pace of technological advancements is unprecedented, introducing numerous innovations that can be overwhelming to understand and evaluate, each promising significant benefits but also requiring careful consideration of their applicability, implementation and integration into existing business models. The wrong choice or delayed adoption can result in a “disaster” for a client.  

Clients indeed require more assistance today to navigate and make informed decisions, therefore, our role as advisors/partners/experts has never been so critical. By offering our expertise, tailored-made solutions, and ongoing support, we empower our clients to confidently embrace the technological wave and use it in its favor for sustainable growth and success.

With how quickly everything changes in technology, is it inevitable to have to improvise and take more risks to evolve? Why?

Improvising, taking risks,and failing are part of the process. Steve Jobs, considered by many a visionary, a pioneer, and a master of innovation, failed several times along the process but that didn’t dissuade him from continuing to take risks and,eventually, failing again. Resilience, determination, creativity, and a bit of gut feeling too are part of it. We cannot expect to have a different result, in the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, if we continue approaching problems the same way we did in the past. Taking risks is essential to drive growth and differentiation. Calculated risks open up possibilities for innovations and significant advancements, distinguishing leaders from followers. So, it’s up to us to decide if we want to be the followers or risk being the leaders.

Describe how you see the evolution of the world of technology services in the coming years. Feel free to be futuristic and speculate!

I don’t believe in the fatalistic vision of James Cameron of The Terminator, where machines will take control over the world. I have a bit more faith in humankind. All technology can definitely be used for good or for bad, and it’s up to us to choose which side of the force we’ll be.

I love the idea of going out and the only thing I take with me is my mobile phone, where I have everything on it: my key, my ID, my driving license, my wallet, my laptop… no more crowded women’s bags! So, I’m looking forward to what’s next! I believe in a future where technology enhances human potential, and not destroy it, and nurtures a more sustainable and equitable world, marked by intelligence, connectivity, and responsibility, where human beings can use the extra time to be more human. So, phrasing Louis Armstrong… “And I think to myself, what a wonderful world”!

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