I am currently responsible for the agile delivery of the self-service and e-shop portals at Vodafone Germany. My focus is the management of the various dimensions that delivery implies; managing the client’s business context, the people involved, the risks that can impact our deliveries, the plans we are trying to meet etc. For many of these we have limited degrees of control…
The parallelism between the weather and my job can be established on the following analogy:
An agile team can be compared to a boat crew whose mission (its product) is to cross the Atlantic. Well, for that to be possible, we must place people on-board that have skills in different areas such as navigation, sailing, communication, mechanics, safety and cooking... Throughout their journey, the team is autonomous in what concerns the decisions they must make to sail across the ocean (or deliver their “product”). However, they might need my support to get an updated understanding of the ever-changing weather conditions so that they can decide and act effectively.