To You
Zina & Estau
Flash Interview with Luís Carlos Santos
CALL To Words
Jun 2022
To You
Zina & Estau
Flash Interview with Luís Carlos Santos
CALL To Words
Jun 2022
Zina & Estau
CALL To Words
Jun 2022

Meet Luis Santos

At the current moment of your career, what is the most important word for you? Why?

A word that appears here in all its ambiguity: organization.

First, Celfocus, the organization, because in 2022 it is undergoing transformation, tracing its renewed course, recognizing that in order to grow it also needs to invest. The organization's commitment to the Cognitive domain in 2022 is something that makes me very happy and extremely motivated. However, this bet brings personal responsibility, the responsibility of having to organize my disorganization. Organize the delivery of active projects, organize the management of teams according to opportunities and priorities, organize to better delegate, organize to better plan the growth of those who work with me... This is the word, Organization!

In your professional life, what would leave you speechless these days? Why?

LS —  The lack of commitment. It's something that bothers me so much that I can't even find the words to describe it - it leaves me speechless.

C — What word would you like to invent to describe our professional activity? Why?

I swear I tried to invent a word, but whenever I googled it to see if it already existed... there it was! The word I was looking for tries to reflect/represent the importance of data in Celfocus's current life. t Celfocus we do data ingestion, data transport, data processing, data storage, data analysis, data visualization, data decisions, automation with data, data protection, data data data data data and more data! Celfocus and data are so intrinsically linked in a kind of quantum entanglement in which it is not possible to talk about one without talking about the other!

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If Celfocus could be described by a word that others need to look up the meaning in a dictionary, what would it be? Why?

I found 2 words: Zina and Estau.

Zina means Peak. At the moment, Celfocus is at its peak, it is growing rapidly, it is being recognized and sought after by large customers, it is competing head-to-head with other large companies in capturing new business, it is creating its brand in the national market. and international, it is creating its identity!

Estau means inn, guest house. It is undeniable that Celfocus trains excellent professionals, and I know that the law of the free market has these things, but it would be great to be able to retain some of the talent that comes through here longer, and try to counter this feeling that invades me of just being temporary accommodation.

If you had to choose one word that best serves to inspire others, what would it be? Why?

Resilience. I fundamentally believe that we are in constant evolution, and in this sense I believe that we must exceed ourselves so that tomorrow is different from today. Different can be better or worse, but we must be different! And resilience works in both cases.

You exceed when you do better, you exceed when you recover from the worst. So exceed yourself, for yourself, not for others! Life is only a competition if you are listening to your ego, because your conscience always seeks to be the best to and for yourself!

Without revealing it, tell us about your favourite swear word and how it helps you live better and healthier everyday life?

My swear word? Wow, I never thought I would have such a hard time choosing just one... Swearing is a means of expression in itself, of releasing accumulated stress and tension. It is very common in everyday life that situations arise that take us out of our center, and we must prevent these situations from living inside us for a long time (more than a few minutes).

We must not let that feeling become an emotion and condition our behaviour in the future. When I leave my center and, for example, I am very angry about something that is happening in a meeting, I go on mute, I say 2 or 3... I take a deep breath, count to 10 and come back! It works wonders, it prevents me from responding in "fight" mode, it gives me "breathing time" to listen to the other person and myself and prevents a one-off misalignment situation from turning into a vendetta that I will carry to all interactions that I will have with that person in the future.

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Meet Luis Santos

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If Celfocus could be described by a word that others need to look up the meaning in a dictionary, what would it be? Why?

I found 2 words: Zina and Estau.

Zina means Peak. At the moment, Celfocus is at its peak, it is growing rapidly, it is being recognized and sought after by large customers, it is competing head-to-head with other large companies in capturing new business, it is creating its brand in the national market. and international, it is creating its identity!

Estau means inn, guest house. It is undeniable that Celfocus trains excellent professionals, and I know that the law of the free market has these things, but it would be great to be able to retain some of the talent that comes through here longer, and try to counter this feeling that invades me of just being temporary accommodation.

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Meet Luis Santos

At the current moment of your career, what is the most important word for you? Why?

A word that appears here in all its ambiguity: organization.

First, Celfocus, the organization, because in 2022 it is undergoing transformation, tracing its renewed course, recognizing that in order to grow it also needs to invest. The organization's commitment to the Cognitive domain in 2022 is something that makes me very happy and extremely motivated. However, this bet brings personal responsibility, the responsibility of having to organize my disorganization. Organize the delivery of active projects, organize the management of teams according to opportunities and priorities, organize to better delegate, organize to better plan the growth of those who work with me... This is the word, Organization!

In your professional life, what would leave you speechless these days? Why?

LS —  The lack of commitment. It's something that bothers me so much that I can't even find the words to describe it - it leaves me speechless.

C — What word would you like to invent to describe our professional activity? Why?

I swear I tried to invent a word, but whenever I googled it to see if it already existed... there it was! The word I was looking for tries to reflect/represent the importance of data in Celfocus's current life. t Celfocus we do data ingestion, data transport, data processing, data storage, data analysis, data visualization, data decisions, automation with data, data protection, data data data data data and more data! Celfocus and data are so intrinsically linked in a kind of quantum entanglement in which it is not possible to talk about one without talking about the other!

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If Celfocus could be described by a word that others need to look up the meaning in a dictionary, what would it be? Why?

I found 2 words: Zina and Estau.

Zina means Peak. At the moment, Celfocus is at its peak, it is growing rapidly, it is being recognized and sought after by large customers, it is competing head-to-head with other large companies in capturing new business, it is creating its brand in the national market. and international, it is creating its identity!

Estau means inn, guest house. It is undeniable that Celfocus trains excellent professionals, and I know that the law of the free market has these things, but it would be great to be able to retain some of the talent that comes through here longer, and try to counter this feeling that invades me of just being temporary accommodation.

If you had to choose one word that best serves to inspire others, what would it be? Why?

Resilience. I fundamentally believe that we are in constant evolution, and in this sense I believe that we must exceed ourselves so that tomorrow is different from today. Different can be better or worse, but we must be different! And resilience works in both cases.

You exceed when you do better, you exceed when you recover from the worst. So exceed yourself, for yourself, not for others! Life is only a competition if you are listening to your ego, because your conscience always seeks to be the best to and for yourself!

Without revealing it, tell us about your favourite swear word and how it helps you live better and healthier everyday life?

My swear word? Wow, I never thought I would have such a hard time choosing just one... Swearing is a means of expression in itself, of releasing accumulated stress and tension. It is very common in everyday life that situations arise that take us out of our center, and we must prevent these situations from living inside us for a long time (more than a few minutes).

We must not let that feeling become an emotion and condition our behaviour in the future. When I leave my center and, for example, I am very angry about something that is happening in a meeting, I go on mute, I say 2 or 3... I take a deep breath, count to 10 and come back! It works wonders, it prevents me from responding in "fight" mode, it gives me "breathing time" to listen to the other person and myself and prevents a one-off misalignment situation from turning into a vendetta that I will carry to all interactions that I will have with that person in the future.

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