To Know
Time Travel into 2026
Tendencies and Predictions of the Future
CALL To Weather
Jan 2017
To Know
Time Travel into 2026
Tendencies and Predictions of the Future
CALL To Weather
Jan 2017
Time Travel into 2026
CALL To Weather
Jan 2017

The greatest challenge for all those involved in technology. Will we be mature enough to face it?

2026 outlook

2016, in terms of technology, was a year for major boosts to technologies that had already been discovered: stand-alone electrical autonomous cars and augmented reality glasses.

When invited to fast forward 10 years and predict tendencies and technologies, my first thought is a world of similar technologies with a whole other level of sophistication and even greater integration.

My second thought was the challenge of, not connectivity, but rather the need to disconnect. The urgency to focus on what is essential, ourselves and on the world, that is physically closer (friends and family).

Technology will face its main challenge: How to be present and help facilitate relationships, but at the same time help its users be organised and focus on individual essentials.

Let’s take a closer look…

In 2016, I took my kids to school
In 2026, my kids will no longer need a ride to school.

Families won’t need a car. There will be "devices" (cars or motorbikes, electric, of course!) that will allow us to move from one place to another.

Think of it as Uber, but without a driver. A “device” that can be used whenever, wherever it is needed. Yours to take.

My guess - parents will define the time/path, the "device" will take and pick up the child from school/piano lessons/football practice. Simultaneously, parents will be able to monitor the course and even help children complete their homework on the way.

It is estimated that this will bring down the number vehicles in city streets by 90-95%.

In 2016, I always had a screen in my pocket
In 2026, screens will be overrated.

There will be no pocket screens. We will have glasses that will allow us to check all the information we need in a simple and immediate way, either with voice commands or our fingers. These glasses will be an extended reality device, where we can automatically query the name of the person approaching us and access their public profile (openly available on social networks). The whole "I know you, but I do not remember where from!” is over.

For example, it will be possible for a group of people, waiting in the same doctor’s office, to see different content when they look at a certain white wall: one is watching a movie, another watching television, another checking her/his email and another playing a game. All on the same screen / wall / area / surface!

In 2016, my laptop was too heavy.
In 2026, I won’t need a laptop.

Our “devices” will have a feature that allows them to connect to any available screen. If I connect to any screen, on my desk or a meeting room, I will automatically have control of this screen. In fact, I won’t need the device, I will just use an identifier. Something that identifies me and gives me access to my documents (which will be in the cloud, obviously), my settings (access to bank details, email profiles, profiles for governmental organizations, etc.) and my preferences (my interests, my favourite content, alerts …).

In fact, I won’t need this identifier because my finger, my eye, my weight combined will be enough. To be honest, any biometric data will be enough to log in.

It will be like virtual desktops, like those currently available in Call Centres and workstations, allowing the user to fully control their environment and content but at the same speed as local processing.

In 2016, I drove a car.
In 2026, I will be Teleported.

If you saw the movie "The Fly" you may remember the teleportation booth that allowed one to move from one place to another in a matter of seconds, dematerializing in one booth and materializing in another.

I think this will be a reality in a near future.

I believe we will soon be able to dematerialize an object in one place and materialize it in another.

This will transform networks as we know them today, because they will allow you to carry matter instead of just digital signals…

When we reach the era of people teleportation, there will be an enormous medical advantage as one can instantly examine and correct flaws or diseases, on the fly!

In 2016, I went to the store to print an important paper.
In 2026, I’ll print everything in 3D, at home!

Another reality already implemented is 3D printing. In the future, if we need a piece of clothing, we will purchase the correspondent material and the 3D model. And print it at home! The same will be possible for toys, kitchen utensils or even construction.

Similarly, we will be able to print cakes or other food, without leaving our home.

Even though, I believe this won’t be the most common use because people still want to taste the flavours of traditional cuisine, but it will most certainly be massified like today's use of a kitchen kit/robot.

In 2016, I managed various profiles on social networks.
In 2026, I will have 1 global network.

I think social networks will become more universal. Instead of having 5 or 6, we will probably have 1 or 2 big ones, where all content will be updated. A lot like how Google is currently "The" search engine.

In this social network we will have "professional", "social" and "affective" profiles all together.

I believe the image of yourself in the new social network will be more accurate. If you take very cool pictures drinking with your friends, you’ll get a certain “coolness” index. But if you spend the weekend at home this index will drop. If you go for a run it will raise again. All behaviours will be measured and considered.

This will also help us have a more socially balanced life.

The information produced by all of us will have more regulation prerequisites and legal requirements. The right of forgetfulness will be a fact.

In 2026, Telcos…

Telcos can limit themselves to be the pipe, the last-mile network to reach customers. However, with so many challenges, they will be so much more.

Telcos have a distribution contract with the customer. They have access to client’s home and devices. They walk with the client. They have access to information that social networks would "kill" to have.

On the other hand, they have structured content – media. They also have technological knowledge. They know the customer, their needs and their path.

The great challenge is how to use this knowledge and this involvement to captivate one’s attention in a world where there are plenty of stimuli and interactions.

I think that Telcos will need to understand the customer and help them access information and select interests. If done correctly, Telcos will play a very important role in filtering content and information that is not wanted.

If you re-read the examples mentioned, you can find several open doors for Telcos in the near future.

The Challenge of System Integrators

Integrators, like Celfocus, also have the enormous challenge of perceiving the customer and being technologically ahead of the market.

We must be one step ahead and have deep knowledge of the tools that support the client. We must build applications that allow Telcos to grow, giving end-customers the innovation they need.

In the meantime, Celfocus must focus on:

  • modularizing the software components it builds
  • being even more rigorous.

With this modular vision we can achieve greater flexibility and greater freedom to build components and solutions that reach the customer on time.

Being rigorous in our projects, and first with ourselves, guarantees adequate planning and fulfilment. We must also be demanding with our customers helping them organize and deliver on-time. Ultimately, this combined will create value for all involved parties.


With so much diversity, we will be able to live in full, to reach all and go everywhere. Nevertheless, and like I said in the beginning, the need to disconnect will grow!

The increasing use and overflowing of devices, connections, and shares, makes it necessary to give life Space and Time. Go back-to-the-basics.

Technology helps and enhances our capabilities, but it also limits our relationships.

A meeting point between being connected and disconnected is essential in a balanced life.

This will be the greatest challenge for all those involved in technology. But we will all be technologically mature enough to face it.

The founder of the MIT Media Lab, Nicholas Negroponte pushed the edge of the information revolution as an inventor, thinker and angel investor. His predictions were many times questioned. And many times, in the future, proven to be exact.

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The greatest challenge for all those involved in technology. Will we be mature enough to face it?

2026 outlook

2016, in terms of technology, was a year for major boosts to technologies that had already been discovered: stand-alone electrical autonomous cars and augmented reality glasses.

When invited to fast forward 10 years and predict tendencies and technologies, my first thought is a world of similar technologies with a whole other level of sophistication and even greater integration.

My second thought was the challenge of, not connectivity, but rather the need to disconnect. The urgency to focus on what is essential, ourselves and on the world, that is physically closer (friends and family).

Technology will face its main challenge: How to be present and help facilitate relationships, but at the same time help its users be organised and focus on individual essentials.

Let’s take a closer look…

In 2016, I took my kids to school
In 2026, my kids will no longer need a ride to school.

Families won’t need a car. There will be "devices" (cars or motorbikes, electric, of course!) that will allow us to move from one place to another.

Think of it as Uber, but without a driver. A “device” that can be used whenever, wherever it is needed. Yours to take.

My guess - parents will define the time/path, the "device" will take and pick up the child from school/piano lessons/football practice. Simultaneously, parents will be able to monitor the course and even help children complete their homework on the way.

It is estimated that this will bring down the number vehicles in city streets by 90-95%.

In 2016, I always had a screen in my pocket
In 2026, screens will be overrated.

There will be no pocket screens. We will have glasses that will allow us to check all the information we need in a simple and immediate way, either with voice commands or our fingers. These glasses will be an extended reality device, where we can automatically query the name of the person approaching us and access their public profile (openly available on social networks). The whole "I know you, but I do not remember where from!” is over.

For example, it will be possible for a group of people, waiting in the same doctor’s office, to see different content when they look at a certain white wall: one is watching a movie, another watching television, another checking her/his email and another playing a game. All on the same screen / wall / area / surface!

In 2016, my laptop was too heavy.
In 2026, I won’t need a laptop.

Our “devices” will have a feature that allows them to connect to any available screen. If I connect to any screen, on my desk or a meeting room, I will automatically have control of this screen. In fact, I won’t need the device, I will just use an identifier. Something that identifies me and gives me access to my documents (which will be in the cloud, obviously), my settings (access to bank details, email profiles, profiles for governmental organizations, etc.) and my preferences (my interests, my favourite content, alerts …).

In fact, I won’t need this identifier because my finger, my eye, my weight combined will be enough. To be honest, any biometric data will be enough to log in.

It will be like virtual desktops, like those currently available in Call Centres and workstations, allowing the user to fully control their environment and content but at the same speed as local processing.

In 2016, I drove a car.
In 2026, I will be Teleported.

If you saw the movie "The Fly" you may remember the teleportation booth that allowed one to move from one place to another in a matter of seconds, dematerializing in one booth and materializing in another.

I think this will be a reality in a near future.

I believe we will soon be able to dematerialize an object in one place and materialize it in another.

This will transform networks as we know them today, because they will allow you to carry matter instead of just digital signals…

When we reach the era of people teleportation, there will be an enormous medical advantage as one can instantly examine and correct flaws or diseases, on the fly!

In 2016, I went to the store to print an important paper.
In 2026, I’ll print everything in 3D, at home!

Another reality already implemented is 3D printing. In the future, if we need a piece of clothing, we will purchase the correspondent material and the 3D model. And print it at home! The same will be possible for toys, kitchen utensils or even construction.

Similarly, we will be able to print cakes or other food, without leaving our home.

Even though, I believe this won’t be the most common use because people still want to taste the flavours of traditional cuisine, but it will most certainly be massified like today's use of a kitchen kit/robot.

In 2016, I managed various profiles on social networks.
In 2026, I will have 1 global network.

I think social networks will become more universal. Instead of having 5 or 6, we will probably have 1 or 2 big ones, where all content will be updated. A lot like how Google is currently "The" search engine.

In this social network we will have "professional", "social" and "affective" profiles all together.

I believe the image of yourself in the new social network will be more accurate. If you take very cool pictures drinking with your friends, you’ll get a certain “coolness” index. But if you spend the weekend at home this index will drop. If you go for a run it will raise again. All behaviours will be measured and considered.

This will also help us have a more socially balanced life.

The information produced by all of us will have more regulation prerequisites and legal requirements. The right of forgetfulness will be a fact.

In 2026, Telcos…

Telcos can limit themselves to be the pipe, the last-mile network to reach customers. However, with so many challenges, they will be so much more.

Telcos have a distribution contract with the customer. They have access to client’s home and devices. They walk with the client. They have access to information that social networks would "kill" to have.

On the other hand, they have structured content – media. They also have technological knowledge. They know the customer, their needs and their path.

The great challenge is how to use this knowledge and this involvement to captivate one’s attention in a world where there are plenty of stimuli and interactions.

I think that Telcos will need to understand the customer and help them access information and select interests. If done correctly, Telcos will play a very important role in filtering content and information that is not wanted.

If you re-read the examples mentioned, you can find several open doors for Telcos in the near future.

The Challenge of System Integrators

Integrators, like Celfocus, also have the enormous challenge of perceiving the customer and being technologically ahead of the market.

We must be one step ahead and have deep knowledge of the tools that support the client. We must build applications that allow Telcos to grow, giving end-customers the innovation they need.

In the meantime, Celfocus must focus on:

  • modularizing the software components it builds
  • being even more rigorous.

With this modular vision we can achieve greater flexibility and greater freedom to build components and solutions that reach the customer on time.

Being rigorous in our projects, and first with ourselves, guarantees adequate planning and fulfilment. We must also be demanding with our customers helping them organize and deliver on-time. Ultimately, this combined will create value for all involved parties.


With so much diversity, we will be able to live in full, to reach all and go everywhere. Nevertheless, and like I said in the beginning, the need to disconnect will grow!

The increasing use and overflowing of devices, connections, and shares, makes it necessary to give life Space and Time. Go back-to-the-basics.

Technology helps and enhances our capabilities, but it also limits our relationships.

A meeting point between being connected and disconnected is essential in a balanced life.

This will be the greatest challenge for all those involved in technology. But we will all be technologically mature enough to face it.

The founder of the MIT Media Lab, Nicholas Negroponte pushed the edge of the information revolution as an inventor, thinker and angel investor. His predictions were many times questioned. And many times, in the future, proven to be exact.

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The greatest challenge for all those involved in technology. Will we be mature enough to face it?

2026 outlook

2016, in terms of technology, was a year for major boosts to technologies that had already been discovered: stand-alone electrical autonomous cars and augmented reality glasses.

When invited to fast forward 10 years and predict tendencies and technologies, my first thought is a world of similar technologies with a whole other level of sophistication and even greater integration.

My second thought was the challenge of, not connectivity, but rather the need to disconnect. The urgency to focus on what is essential, ourselves and on the world, that is physically closer (friends and family).

Technology will face its main challenge: How to be present and help facilitate relationships, but at the same time help its users be organised and focus on individual essentials.

Let’s take a closer look…

In 2016, I took my kids to school
In 2026, my kids will no longer need a ride to school.

Families won’t need a car. There will be "devices" (cars or motorbikes, electric, of course!) that will allow us to move from one place to another.

Think of it as Uber, but without a driver. A “device” that can be used whenever, wherever it is needed. Yours to take.

My guess - parents will define the time/path, the "device" will take and pick up the child from school/piano lessons/football practice. Simultaneously, parents will be able to monitor the course and even help children complete their homework on the way.

It is estimated that this will bring down the number vehicles in city streets by 90-95%.

In 2016, I always had a screen in my pocket
In 2026, screens will be overrated.

There will be no pocket screens. We will have glasses that will allow us to check all the information we need in a simple and immediate way, either with voice commands or our fingers. These glasses will be an extended reality device, where we can automatically query the name of the person approaching us and access their public profile (openly available on social networks). The whole "I know you, but I do not remember where from!” is over.

For example, it will be possible for a group of people, waiting in the same doctor’s office, to see different content when they look at a certain white wall: one is watching a movie, another watching television, another checking her/his email and another playing a game. All on the same screen / wall / area / surface!

In 2016, my laptop was too heavy.
In 2026, I won’t need a laptop.

Our “devices” will have a feature that allows them to connect to any available screen. If I connect to any screen, on my desk or a meeting room, I will automatically have control of this screen. In fact, I won’t need the device, I will just use an identifier. Something that identifies me and gives me access to my documents (which will be in the cloud, obviously), my settings (access to bank details, email profiles, profiles for governmental organizations, etc.) and my preferences (my interests, my favourite content, alerts …).

In fact, I won’t need this identifier because my finger, my eye, my weight combined will be enough. To be honest, any biometric data will be enough to log in.

It will be like virtual desktops, like those currently available in Call Centres and workstations, allowing the user to fully control their environment and content but at the same speed as local processing.

In 2016, I drove a car.
In 2026, I will be Teleported.

If you saw the movie "The Fly" you may remember the teleportation booth that allowed one to move from one place to another in a matter of seconds, dematerializing in one booth and materializing in another.

I think this will be a reality in a near future.

I believe we will soon be able to dematerialize an object in one place and materialize it in another.

This will transform networks as we know them today, because they will allow you to carry matter instead of just digital signals…

When we reach the era of people teleportation, there will be an enormous medical advantage as one can instantly examine and correct flaws or diseases, on the fly!

In 2016, I went to the store to print an important paper.
In 2026, I’ll print everything in 3D, at home!

Another reality already implemented is 3D printing. In the future, if we need a piece of clothing, we will purchase the correspondent material and the 3D model. And print it at home! The same will be possible for toys, kitchen utensils or even construction.

Similarly, we will be able to print cakes or other food, without leaving our home.

Even though, I believe this won’t be the most common use because people still want to taste the flavours of traditional cuisine, but it will most certainly be massified like today's use of a kitchen kit/robot.

In 2016, I managed various profiles on social networks.
In 2026, I will have 1 global network.

I think social networks will become more universal. Instead of having 5 or 6, we will probably have 1 or 2 big ones, where all content will be updated. A lot like how Google is currently "The" search engine.

In this social network we will have "professional", "social" and "affective" profiles all together.

I believe the image of yourself in the new social network will be more accurate. If you take very cool pictures drinking with your friends, you’ll get a certain “coolness” index. But if you spend the weekend at home this index will drop. If you go for a run it will raise again. All behaviours will be measured and considered.

This will also help us have a more socially balanced life.

The information produced by all of us will have more regulation prerequisites and legal requirements. The right of forgetfulness will be a fact.

In 2026, Telcos…

Telcos can limit themselves to be the pipe, the last-mile network to reach customers. However, with so many challenges, they will be so much more.

Telcos have a distribution contract with the customer. They have access to client’s home and devices. They walk with the client. They have access to information that social networks would "kill" to have.

On the other hand, they have structured content – media. They also have technological knowledge. They know the customer, their needs and their path.

The great challenge is how to use this knowledge and this involvement to captivate one’s attention in a world where there are plenty of stimuli and interactions.

I think that Telcos will need to understand the customer and help them access information and select interests. If done correctly, Telcos will play a very important role in filtering content and information that is not wanted.

If you re-read the examples mentioned, you can find several open doors for Telcos in the near future.

The Challenge of System Integrators

Integrators, like Celfocus, also have the enormous challenge of perceiving the customer and being technologically ahead of the market.

We must be one step ahead and have deep knowledge of the tools that support the client. We must build applications that allow Telcos to grow, giving end-customers the innovation they need.

In the meantime, Celfocus must focus on:

  • modularizing the software components it builds
  • being even more rigorous.

With this modular vision we can achieve greater flexibility and greater freedom to build components and solutions that reach the customer on time.

Being rigorous in our projects, and first with ourselves, guarantees adequate planning and fulfilment. We must also be demanding with our customers helping them organize and deliver on-time. Ultimately, this combined will create value for all involved parties.


With so much diversity, we will be able to live in full, to reach all and go everywhere. Nevertheless, and like I said in the beginning, the need to disconnect will grow!

The increasing use and overflowing of devices, connections, and shares, makes it necessary to give life Space and Time. Go back-to-the-basics.

Technology helps and enhances our capabilities, but it also limits our relationships.

A meeting point between being connected and disconnected is essential in a balanced life.

This will be the greatest challenge for all those involved in technology. But we will all be technologically mature enough to face it.

The founder of the MIT Media Lab, Nicholas Negroponte pushed the edge of the information revolution as an inventor, thinker and angel investor. His predictions were many times questioned. And many times, in the future, proven to be exact.

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