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Thought is the child of action
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CALL To Brain
May 2019
To Know
Thought is the child of action
Keep track of our latest achievements
CALL To Brain
May 2019
Thought is the child of action
CALL To Brain
May 2019

All definitions of intelligence are controversial.

Human intelligence is defined by, "Mainstream Science on Intelligence" (1994), a statement published in the Wall Street Journal, as “A very general mental capability that, among other things, involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly and learn from experience. It is not merely book learning, a narrow academic skill, or test-taking smarts. Rather, it reflects a broader and deeper capability for comprehending our surroundings - "catching on," "making sense" of things, or "figuring out" what to do.”

This definition gives us a very practical meaning about how to outperform in complex contexts. Every quality described above helps us understand what we need individually to succeed.

So... how do we practice? We make things happen!

What is déjà vu? What is déjà vu?

You might have felt it, the feeling that you've experienced something before, but, in reality, the experience is brand new.

PayG | Vodafone Ireland

The PAYG project at Vodafone Ireland aims to deliver both Unified Frontend and Portal channel solutions for the Mobile Pay-As-You-Go Consumer segment, thus enabling the customer migration to the new stack.

Drop 1, successfully completed, included minimum viable product and enabled Vodafone to initiate the migration of pre-paid customers from legacy systems to the new Equinox stack. The second drop, currently in acceptance testing, will introduce order-provisioning and features such as: top up and balance, voucher management, add-ons management, roaming and campaigns. For Drop 3, Celfocus will enable new activations – First Time Connections, tariff plan Post2Pre migrations and provide the operator with additional features

In May, Celfocus achieved a huge Equinox programme milestone with the successful migration of ~5000 PAYG customers onto the Equinox stack.

This is an ongoing project with the latest drop expected to go into production in August.


Digital | Vodafone Portugal

Living daily by agile values, Celfocus comprises eight of the ten streams (Engage Web 1 & 2, Buy Handsets, Buy Subscription, eShop upgrade, VFE, Omnichannel and Door 2 Door) in Vodafone Digital’s programme that aims to revolutionise the Operator in what concerns technological and experience breakthroughs.

In May, the programme walked into its 8th and 9th sprint of 2019, delivering features that directly impacted Vodafone customers in their daily engagements with the operator. Below a list of highlights delivered into Production by Celfocus squad teams:

Engage Web 1:

  • Press | Use Cludo for default list
  • Cards | Adjust contents visual behaviour
  • Cards | Upsell
  • Paypal | Code revision
  • Favicons & Icons Mobile
  • Digital Index | Starting required email

Engage Web 2:

  • Portability Validation Code | Business post-paid
  • Portability Validation Code | Consumer post-paid
  • Portability Validation Code | Pre-paids
  • Homepage changes

Buy Handsets (eShop):

  • 2C and B2B | Layout proposal creation for the WS2 cart page

Buy Subscriptions:

  • Automated testing | Sprint 2019.19
  • E2E | Step 4: Scheduling date remains optional (without automated service call)
  • E2E | Navigation between site page and End2End process
  • Navigation improvements betwen form fields
  • Final screen | Adjustments in permissions management
  • E2E, Step 2 | Email field filling from Lead to Siebel

Assisted Channels VFE:

  • PI alert, bundle required | VFE tab
  • PI alert, bundle required | PPV
  • Client card nr. consult at PPV ´à lá` VFE
  • PI alert, bundle required | VFE
  • Digital payments stamp | VFE
  • Automated tests | Post-paid offer | Final operations


In November, Celfocus delivered a Cognitive Intelligence and Automation solution for Vodafone’s Network Operations Centres (NOCs).

Once the solution was delivered (CIAS), an automation increment was added to reduce 80% of the human effort allocated to first-line support activities. Currently, that increment is being addressed with 36 people working in DevOps (22 people from Celfocus + 14 from Vodafone). To date, 93% of all the alarms and 20% of the tickets are managed by CIAS in Portugal and Romania.

The DevOps approach being used by our teams has been highly complimented by Vodafone’s Top Management team, after a session that showcased our Universe, How we are working, What we delivered and a small Demonstration of the work developed.

Feedback from top management:

“A sincere THANK YOU with CONGRATULATIONS to all of you! I am really impressed by the way you are working, documenting, moving forward, without a lot of Steerco, Alignment meeting, Program review… delivering fundamental steps towards First Line automation!”

“Thank you very much for today’s presentation! It is a very good show case for the great work you are doing! Proud working with you”

Celfocus Insider

With the goal of increasing our brand awareness at universities and easing attraction of future talent, we hosted Celfocus Insider.

This Open Day, addressed to students from FEUP, ISEP, FCUP, U.Minho, UTAD, IP Bragança, IP Leiria, IST, ISCTE, FCUL, FCT, IADE and IP Setúbal, took place at the Celfocus Oporto office, on May 14th, and Lisbon (Headquarters and Vodafone), on May 16th.

This event gathered 33 college students who spent a day at our offices, allowing them to get an insider’s perspective on our projects, methodologies and tools.

At the get together, feedback was outstanding! This initiative already resulted in internships applications and will most certainly place Celfocus as a place to work after graduation.

Celfocus Analytics featured on Vodafonewatch

Celfocus was featured in the latest edition of Vodafonewatch, a unique resource that gives access to in-depth intelligence, analysis and insight into key aspects of Vodafone Group, with the DTV Analytics project. This 4-page article is based on the published project case study and interviews with both Celfocus and Vodafone.

Throughout the article, Celfocus is showcased as the project enabler and a stronger partner to Vodafone.

“With Vodafone set to join the European pay-TV big league, through its pending four-country buyout of Liberty Global businesses, Vodafonewatch took a look at a central programme being developed to deepen management insight into the performance and usage of its Vodafone TV services across different markets. The Vodafone TV Analytics offering -- enabled by Celfocus, Vodafone Portugal's systems integration joint-venture with IT group Novabase, and built on Amazon Web Services cloud infrastructure -- is in the process of being expanded with new automated tools, and being on-boarded by additional OpCos”.

This project was developed by Celfocus’ Digital TV and Analytics teams and exemplifies the power of business in evolving from a more traditional BI approach and embracing and reaping the benefits offered by Big Data.

See the publication here.

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No items found.

All definitions of intelligence are controversial.

Human intelligence is defined by, "Mainstream Science on Intelligence" (1994), a statement published in the Wall Street Journal, as “A very general mental capability that, among other things, involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly and learn from experience. It is not merely book learning, a narrow academic skill, or test-taking smarts. Rather, it reflects a broader and deeper capability for comprehending our surroundings - "catching on," "making sense" of things, or "figuring out" what to do.”

This definition gives us a very practical meaning about how to outperform in complex contexts. Every quality described above helps us understand what we need individually to succeed.

So... how do we practice? We make things happen!

What is déjà vu? What is déjà vu?

You might have felt it, the feeling that you've experienced something before, but, in reality, the experience is brand new.

PayG | Vodafone Ireland

The PAYG project at Vodafone Ireland aims to deliver both Unified Frontend and Portal channel solutions for the Mobile Pay-As-You-Go Consumer segment, thus enabling the customer migration to the new stack.

Drop 1, successfully completed, included minimum viable product and enabled Vodafone to initiate the migration of pre-paid customers from legacy systems to the new Equinox stack. The second drop, currently in acceptance testing, will introduce order-provisioning and features such as: top up and balance, voucher management, add-ons management, roaming and campaigns. For Drop 3, Celfocus will enable new activations – First Time Connections, tariff plan Post2Pre migrations and provide the operator with additional features

In May, Celfocus achieved a huge Equinox programme milestone with the successful migration of ~5000 PAYG customers onto the Equinox stack.

This is an ongoing project with the latest drop expected to go into production in August.


Digital | Vodafone Portugal

Living daily by agile values, Celfocus comprises eight of the ten streams (Engage Web 1 & 2, Buy Handsets, Buy Subscription, eShop upgrade, VFE, Omnichannel and Door 2 Door) in Vodafone Digital’s programme that aims to revolutionise the Operator in what concerns technological and experience breakthroughs.

In May, the programme walked into its 8th and 9th sprint of 2019, delivering features that directly impacted Vodafone customers in their daily engagements with the operator. Below a list of highlights delivered into Production by Celfocus squad teams:

Engage Web 1:

  • Press | Use Cludo for default list
  • Cards | Adjust contents visual behaviour
  • Cards | Upsell
  • Paypal | Code revision
  • Favicons & Icons Mobile
  • Digital Index | Starting required email

Engage Web 2:

  • Portability Validation Code | Business post-paid
  • Portability Validation Code | Consumer post-paid
  • Portability Validation Code | Pre-paids
  • Homepage changes

Buy Handsets (eShop):

  • 2C and B2B | Layout proposal creation for the WS2 cart page

Buy Subscriptions:

  • Automated testing | Sprint 2019.19
  • E2E | Step 4: Scheduling date remains optional (without automated service call)
  • E2E | Navigation between site page and End2End process
  • Navigation improvements betwen form fields
  • Final screen | Adjustments in permissions management
  • E2E, Step 2 | Email field filling from Lead to Siebel

Assisted Channels VFE:

  • PI alert, bundle required | VFE tab
  • PI alert, bundle required | PPV
  • Client card nr. consult at PPV ´à lá` VFE
  • PI alert, bundle required | VFE
  • Digital payments stamp | VFE
  • Automated tests | Post-paid offer | Final operations


In November, Celfocus delivered a Cognitive Intelligence and Automation solution for Vodafone’s Network Operations Centres (NOCs).

Once the solution was delivered (CIAS), an automation increment was added to reduce 80% of the human effort allocated to first-line support activities. Currently, that increment is being addressed with 36 people working in DevOps (22 people from Celfocus + 14 from Vodafone). To date, 93% of all the alarms and 20% of the tickets are managed by CIAS in Portugal and Romania.

The DevOps approach being used by our teams has been highly complimented by Vodafone’s Top Management team, after a session that showcased our Universe, How we are working, What we delivered and a small Demonstration of the work developed.

Feedback from top management:

“A sincere THANK YOU with CONGRATULATIONS to all of you! I am really impressed by the way you are working, documenting, moving forward, without a lot of Steerco, Alignment meeting, Program review… delivering fundamental steps towards First Line automation!”

“Thank you very much for today’s presentation! It is a very good show case for the great work you are doing! Proud working with you”

Celfocus Insider

With the goal of increasing our brand awareness at universities and easing attraction of future talent, we hosted Celfocus Insider.

This Open Day, addressed to students from FEUP, ISEP, FCUP, U.Minho, UTAD, IP Bragança, IP Leiria, IST, ISCTE, FCUL, FCT, IADE and IP Setúbal, took place at the Celfocus Oporto office, on May 14th, and Lisbon (Headquarters and Vodafone), on May 16th.

This event gathered 33 college students who spent a day at our offices, allowing them to get an insider’s perspective on our projects, methodologies and tools.

At the get together, feedback was outstanding! This initiative already resulted in internships applications and will most certainly place Celfocus as a place to work after graduation.

Celfocus Analytics featured on Vodafonewatch

Celfocus was featured in the latest edition of Vodafonewatch, a unique resource that gives access to in-depth intelligence, analysis and insight into key aspects of Vodafone Group, with the DTV Analytics project. This 4-page article is based on the published project case study and interviews with both Celfocus and Vodafone.

Throughout the article, Celfocus is showcased as the project enabler and a stronger partner to Vodafone.

“With Vodafone set to join the European pay-TV big league, through its pending four-country buyout of Liberty Global businesses, Vodafonewatch took a look at a central programme being developed to deepen management insight into the performance and usage of its Vodafone TV services across different markets. The Vodafone TV Analytics offering -- enabled by Celfocus, Vodafone Portugal's systems integration joint-venture with IT group Novabase, and built on Amazon Web Services cloud infrastructure -- is in the process of being expanded with new automated tools, and being on-boarded by additional OpCos”.

This project was developed by Celfocus’ Digital TV and Analytics teams and exemplifies the power of business in evolving from a more traditional BI approach and embracing and reaping the benefits offered by Big Data.

See the publication here.

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No items found.

All definitions of intelligence are controversial.

Human intelligence is defined by, "Mainstream Science on Intelligence" (1994), a statement published in the Wall Street Journal, as “A very general mental capability that, among other things, involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly and learn from experience. It is not merely book learning, a narrow academic skill, or test-taking smarts. Rather, it reflects a broader and deeper capability for comprehending our surroundings - "catching on," "making sense" of things, or "figuring out" what to do.”

This definition gives us a very practical meaning about how to outperform in complex contexts. Every quality described above helps us understand what we need individually to succeed.

So... how do we practice? We make things happen!

What is déjà vu? What is déjà vu?

You might have felt it, the feeling that you've experienced something before, but, in reality, the experience is brand new.

PayG | Vodafone Ireland

The PAYG project at Vodafone Ireland aims to deliver both Unified Frontend and Portal channel solutions for the Mobile Pay-As-You-Go Consumer segment, thus enabling the customer migration to the new stack.

Drop 1, successfully completed, included minimum viable product and enabled Vodafone to initiate the migration of pre-paid customers from legacy systems to the new Equinox stack. The second drop, currently in acceptance testing, will introduce order-provisioning and features such as: top up and balance, voucher management, add-ons management, roaming and campaigns. For Drop 3, Celfocus will enable new activations – First Time Connections, tariff plan Post2Pre migrations and provide the operator with additional features

In May, Celfocus achieved a huge Equinox programme milestone with the successful migration of ~5000 PAYG customers onto the Equinox stack.

This is an ongoing project with the latest drop expected to go into production in August.


Digital | Vodafone Portugal

Living daily by agile values, Celfocus comprises eight of the ten streams (Engage Web 1 & 2, Buy Handsets, Buy Subscription, eShop upgrade, VFE, Omnichannel and Door 2 Door) in Vodafone Digital’s programme that aims to revolutionise the Operator in what concerns technological and experience breakthroughs.

In May, the programme walked into its 8th and 9th sprint of 2019, delivering features that directly impacted Vodafone customers in their daily engagements with the operator. Below a list of highlights delivered into Production by Celfocus squad teams:

Engage Web 1:

  • Press | Use Cludo for default list
  • Cards | Adjust contents visual behaviour
  • Cards | Upsell
  • Paypal | Code revision
  • Favicons & Icons Mobile
  • Digital Index | Starting required email

Engage Web 2:

  • Portability Validation Code | Business post-paid
  • Portability Validation Code | Consumer post-paid
  • Portability Validation Code | Pre-paids
  • Homepage changes

Buy Handsets (eShop):

  • 2C and B2B | Layout proposal creation for the WS2 cart page

Buy Subscriptions:

  • Automated testing | Sprint 2019.19
  • E2E | Step 4: Scheduling date remains optional (without automated service call)
  • E2E | Navigation between site page and End2End process
  • Navigation improvements betwen form fields
  • Final screen | Adjustments in permissions management
  • E2E, Step 2 | Email field filling from Lead to Siebel

Assisted Channels VFE:

  • PI alert, bundle required | VFE tab
  • PI alert, bundle required | PPV
  • Client card nr. consult at PPV ´à lá` VFE
  • PI alert, bundle required | VFE
  • Digital payments stamp | VFE
  • Automated tests | Post-paid offer | Final operations


In November, Celfocus delivered a Cognitive Intelligence and Automation solution for Vodafone’s Network Operations Centres (NOCs).

Once the solution was delivered (CIAS), an automation increment was added to reduce 80% of the human effort allocated to first-line support activities. Currently, that increment is being addressed with 36 people working in DevOps (22 people from Celfocus + 14 from Vodafone). To date, 93% of all the alarms and 20% of the tickets are managed by CIAS in Portugal and Romania.

The DevOps approach being used by our teams has been highly complimented by Vodafone’s Top Management team, after a session that showcased our Universe, How we are working, What we delivered and a small Demonstration of the work developed.

Feedback from top management:

“A sincere THANK YOU with CONGRATULATIONS to all of you! I am really impressed by the way you are working, documenting, moving forward, without a lot of Steerco, Alignment meeting, Program review… delivering fundamental steps towards First Line automation!”

“Thank you very much for today’s presentation! It is a very good show case for the great work you are doing! Proud working with you”

Celfocus Insider

With the goal of increasing our brand awareness at universities and easing attraction of future talent, we hosted Celfocus Insider.

This Open Day, addressed to students from FEUP, ISEP, FCUP, U.Minho, UTAD, IP Bragança, IP Leiria, IST, ISCTE, FCUL, FCT, IADE and IP Setúbal, took place at the Celfocus Oporto office, on May 14th, and Lisbon (Headquarters and Vodafone), on May 16th.

This event gathered 33 college students who spent a day at our offices, allowing them to get an insider’s perspective on our projects, methodologies and tools.

At the get together, feedback was outstanding! This initiative already resulted in internships applications and will most certainly place Celfocus as a place to work after graduation.

Celfocus Analytics featured on Vodafonewatch

Celfocus was featured in the latest edition of Vodafonewatch, a unique resource that gives access to in-depth intelligence, analysis and insight into key aspects of Vodafone Group, with the DTV Analytics project. This 4-page article is based on the published project case study and interviews with both Celfocus and Vodafone.

Throughout the article, Celfocus is showcased as the project enabler and a stronger partner to Vodafone.

“With Vodafone set to join the European pay-TV big league, through its pending four-country buyout of Liberty Global businesses, Vodafonewatch took a look at a central programme being developed to deepen management insight into the performance and usage of its Vodafone TV services across different markets. The Vodafone TV Analytics offering -- enabled by Celfocus, Vodafone Portugal's systems integration joint-venture with IT group Novabase, and built on Amazon Web Services cloud infrastructure -- is in the process of being expanded with new automated tools, and being on-boarded by additional OpCos”.

This project was developed by Celfocus’ Digital TV and Analytics teams and exemplifies the power of business in evolving from a more traditional BI approach and embracing and reaping the benefits offered by Big Data.

See the publication here.

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