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Supercalifragilistic expialidocious
Flash Interview with Catarina Azevedo
Jun 2021
To You
Supercalifragilistic expialidocious
Flash Interview with Catarina Azevedo
Jun 2021
Supercalifragilistic expialidocious
Jun 2021

Mention something that you do in your personal life that teaches you a lot about how to deal with your job.

I’d say sailing. It’s something that demands know how, planning but also flexibility.  Being aware of elements that will impact your ride and the fundamental trust and collaboration with the crew.

If you could only pick one characteristic that you value most in people, what would it be? Why?

Only one is challenging. But I’d say transparency as it’s the fundamental requirement for trust. Trust is the foundation of any relationship, without transparency it’s pretty difficult to built trust. Of course, being transparent with maturity and empathy, we need to know how to be transparent by being aware of others and understanding the impact that my actions/words have on other people.

What would you recommend for a good work-life balance?

Even though i’m not the best person to talk about this subject, it’s something that i‘ve been working on and I can now see great improvements. There are some things that I’ve always done, namely with travelling;  when I was abroad for some weeks I always used the weekend to get to know the country or others in the area, also in that time I started running daily. Having some hobbies and taking time for them, family and friends is very important. Nowadays, we can manage our time differently, which is great if we respect our personal time… Some tricks like blocking hours for your things, to read, lunch, surf, run, whatever makes you happy. Also, respect and organize your agenda according to your bio rythim (whenever possible), for instance, professionally I’m more productive late morning than early morning so I prefer to have this “me time” early morning.

Which of your flaws most contributes to your success? Why?

Resilience, something I’ve leared when I was quite young trough artistic gymnastic. Resilience isn't a flaw per se but it can become a flaw if it turns into stubbornness. Some years ago, I struggled to accept that sometimes, things don’t play out, no matter what I did, tried etc. Nowadays I use this resilience to prepare, try, fail, try again, succeed. Accept that failure or not immediate success is part of the process - embrace it, ask for help, say I don’t know and don’t feel uncomfortable or put yourself at stake because of it.

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If one day your name came up on Wikipedia, what reason would you want it to be for?

Ahahaha.... Not a reason for Wikipedia but something that makes me very proud and my family and friends acknowledge this as my main “asset” is connecting people. Maybe because I suffer from some kind of FOMO. I always managed to connect people from different areas of my life, from childhood friends,family, work friends, neighbors etc.. Nowadays, my group is composed by all these people and they are friends, regardless if I’m around or not. Of course, being acknowledge as someone that added value to others and a good person.

If you had to pick one word to explain Celfocus to a friend or family member, what would it be?

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Actually, they've heard me say this.

Celfocus sets its business in an amazing field, it pushes us to be creative and innovative in a very collaborative environment, with amazing bright people! We are challenged to be better on a daily basis, we have the courage to take risks and typically it plays out.  

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Mention something that you do in your personal life that teaches you a lot about how to deal with your job.

I’d say sailing. It’s something that demands know how, planning but also flexibility.  Being aware of elements that will impact your ride and the fundamental trust and collaboration with the crew.

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If one day your name came up on Wikipedia, what reason would you want it to be for?

Ahahaha.... Not a reason for Wikipedia but something that makes me very proud and my family and friends acknowledge this as my main “asset” is connecting people. Maybe because I suffer from some kind of FOMO. I always managed to connect people from different areas of my life, from childhood friends,family, work friends, neighbors etc.. Nowadays, my group is composed by all these people and they are friends, regardless if I’m around or not. Of course, being acknowledge as someone that added value to others and a good person.

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Mention something that you do in your personal life that teaches you a lot about how to deal with your job.

I’d say sailing. It’s something that demands know how, planning but also flexibility.  Being aware of elements that will impact your ride and the fundamental trust and collaboration with the crew.

If you could only pick one characteristic that you value most in people, what would it be? Why?

Only one is challenging. But I’d say transparency as it’s the fundamental requirement for trust. Trust is the foundation of any relationship, without transparency it’s pretty difficult to built trust. Of course, being transparent with maturity and empathy, we need to know how to be transparent by being aware of others and understanding the impact that my actions/words have on other people.

What would you recommend for a good work-life balance?

Even though i’m not the best person to talk about this subject, it’s something that i‘ve been working on and I can now see great improvements. There are some things that I’ve always done, namely with travelling;  when I was abroad for some weeks I always used the weekend to get to know the country or others in the area, also in that time I started running daily. Having some hobbies and taking time for them, family and friends is very important. Nowadays, we can manage our time differently, which is great if we respect our personal time… Some tricks like blocking hours for your things, to read, lunch, surf, run, whatever makes you happy. Also, respect and organize your agenda according to your bio rythim (whenever possible), for instance, professionally I’m more productive late morning than early morning so I prefer to have this “me time” early morning.

Which of your flaws most contributes to your success? Why?

Resilience, something I’ve leared when I was quite young trough artistic gymnastic. Resilience isn't a flaw per se but it can become a flaw if it turns into stubbornness. Some years ago, I struggled to accept that sometimes, things don’t play out, no matter what I did, tried etc. Nowadays I use this resilience to prepare, try, fail, try again, succeed. Accept that failure or not immediate success is part of the process - embrace it, ask for help, say I don’t know and don’t feel uncomfortable or put yourself at stake because of it.

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If one day your name came up on Wikipedia, what reason would you want it to be for?

Ahahaha.... Not a reason for Wikipedia but something that makes me very proud and my family and friends acknowledge this as my main “asset” is connecting people. Maybe because I suffer from some kind of FOMO. I always managed to connect people from different areas of my life, from childhood friends,family, work friends, neighbors etc.. Nowadays, my group is composed by all these people and they are friends, regardless if I’m around or not. Of course, being acknowledge as someone that added value to others and a good person.

If you had to pick one word to explain Celfocus to a friend or family member, what would it be?

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Actually, they've heard me say this.

Celfocus sets its business in an amazing field, it pushes us to be creative and innovative in a very collaborative environment, with amazing bright people! We are challenged to be better on a daily basis, we have the courage to take risks and typically it plays out.  

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