First of all, I don’t believe managers should cry in public. A manager should be “strong”, bullet proof, no crying – no showing of that type of emotion to customer or to the team.
But I’ll confess to one thing, in 2016 I had one of those moments. It was a difficult year for me, an intense project that provoked an intense personal emotion. Mainly because I believe we did an outstanding job with a young team, who grew up throughout this project on a personal and professional level. However, in the end we didn’t come out as successful as we had hoped and worked for. We struggled as a team after the project went live (we were tired) and small things became huge problems. It upset me because after 8 long months of development, the last 2 months were tough and unfair for the hard work until then.
In reality, I didn’t cry. But I really wanted to.
Besides this specific episode, with more or less difficulties I’ve managed to handle it.