To Inspire
Objects or Words
Are you a visual thinker?
CALL To Words
Jun 2022
To Inspire
Objects or Words
Are you a visual thinker?
CALL To Words
Jun 2022
Objects or Words
CALL To Words
Jun 2022

You might be the next genius inventor of our time

If you hear the word “apple” do you think of the word apple or do you see a picture of an apple? if you see the picture you are a visual thinker. If you see the word, you are a verbal thinker or in other words auditory thinker. Verbal thinkers are less common than visual.

Visual thinking, also called visual or spatial learning or picture thinking, is the phenomenon of thinking through visual processing. Visual thinking has been described as seeing words as a series of pictures. It is common in approximately 60–65% of the general population. Observing, looking at pictures, diagrams, and visual imagery are ways that visual thinking may be expressed. As for verbal thinking or auditory thinking it is understanding and reasoning using concepts framed in words. It aims at evaluating ability to think constructively, rather than at simple fluency or vocabulary recognition. It needs the use of words / language, listening, and conversing.

The difference between Visual thinking and verbal thinking is in how your mind works. Under the research of right vs left brain, you will see that visual thinkers fall under the right brain category, being more of the visual, creative, spacial half, and verbal thinkers fall under the category of being a result of the left brain, as it is more analytical, logical and verbal half.

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You might be the next genius inventor of our time

If you hear the word “apple” do you think of the word apple or do you see a picture of an apple? if you see the picture you are a visual thinker. If you see the word, you are a verbal thinker or in other words auditory thinker. Verbal thinkers are less common than visual.

Visual thinking, also called visual or spatial learning or picture thinking, is the phenomenon of thinking through visual processing. Visual thinking has been described as seeing words as a series of pictures. It is common in approximately 60–65% of the general population. Observing, looking at pictures, diagrams, and visual imagery are ways that visual thinking may be expressed. As for verbal thinking or auditory thinking it is understanding and reasoning using concepts framed in words. It aims at evaluating ability to think constructively, rather than at simple fluency or vocabulary recognition. It needs the use of words / language, listening, and conversing.

The difference between Visual thinking and verbal thinking is in how your mind works. Under the research of right vs left brain, you will see that visual thinkers fall under the right brain category, being more of the visual, creative, spacial half, and verbal thinkers fall under the category of being a result of the left brain, as it is more analytical, logical and verbal half.

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You might be the next genius inventor of our time

If you hear the word “apple” do you think of the word apple or do you see a picture of an apple? if you see the picture you are a visual thinker. If you see the word, you are a verbal thinker or in other words auditory thinker. Verbal thinkers are less common than visual.

Visual thinking, also called visual or spatial learning or picture thinking, is the phenomenon of thinking through visual processing. Visual thinking has been described as seeing words as a series of pictures. It is common in approximately 60–65% of the general population. Observing, looking at pictures, diagrams, and visual imagery are ways that visual thinking may be expressed. As for verbal thinking or auditory thinking it is understanding and reasoning using concepts framed in words. It aims at evaluating ability to think constructively, rather than at simple fluency or vocabulary recognition. It needs the use of words / language, listening, and conversing.

The difference between Visual thinking and verbal thinking is in how your mind works. Under the research of right vs left brain, you will see that visual thinkers fall under the right brain category, being more of the visual, creative, spacial half, and verbal thinkers fall under the category of being a result of the left brain, as it is more analytical, logical and verbal half.

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