To You
In the right place at the right time
Flash Interview with Homilzio Santos
CALL To Places
Nov 2021
To You
In the right place at the right time
Flash Interview with Homilzio Santos
CALL To Places
Nov 2021
In the right place at the right time
CALL To Places
Nov 2021

Describe what your ideal place to work looks like?

An ideal place for me is a stress-free place with a wonderful view and good weather. I don't like being in freezing cold places. At the office, we have an amazing view of the Vasco da Gama bridge, I love that area, it allows me to look ahead and have a peaceful and relaxing view in between the daily stress.

Sometimes, at the end of the day, I sit and look at the bridge, and seeing the traffic between Lisbon and the south side, I start thinking about how lucky I am to not have to face it (it is also funny). I miss those times!

However, I've been working from home and ended up changing my ideals. A perfect place now is in the middle of nature, listening to the sea, birds singing... It's more relaxing and reassuring. I love working in quiet places, although I can concentrate in noisy places as well. I consider myself a Beach and nature lover.

Are you one of those people who believe the best opportunities come when you're in the right place at the right time? Why?

Undoubtedly, being in the right place at the right time, ends up showing us opportunities that we most certainly wouldn't have if we were locked in a room or in a room without much connection to the outside world. However, we can create conditions that allow things to happen even without being present. I believe that our self-organization and the trust in those who work with us, if they are upstanding and honest, end up facilitating this and being used at any time and in any place. In the I.T. area, this is demonstrated every day, from anywhere, at any time, we can make things happen.

Describe what a dangerous place would be for you and how does that inspire you to deal with your professional challenges?

Currently, for me, a dangerous place is somewhere where electricity or internet may fail at any minute. However, this makes me stronger and more prepared, as it allows me to create alternative options so that this does not happen anymore.

Last year I was working from São Tomé and Príncipe, my hometown, where there are constant power outages, and the internet is extremely expensive. But this was not a limitation, as the advantages of working close to my family and in a more relaxed place allowed me to improve my work capacity a lot and brought an extra motivation to produce more and better. I had to adapt to a new reality, I immediately realized that I needed to get an electric generator, and it has been my great ally. I had to make extra investments, but this allowed me to work much more relaxed and without any limitations because, even if the main electricity source fails, I can produce my own and continue to work normally, any day and at any time.

Working from home all this time has made me more prepared for the challenges of day-to-day, it is necessary to create conditions so that the call does not drop in the middle of an important meeting with the client, or that there is no noise during calls disturbing the quality of the conversation. Obstacles can be complicated but overcoming them makes us stronger and better prepared for the future. I used to be an athlete (of obstacles), so the idea is to overcome one at a time to reach the goal as quickly as possible, it hurts, but in the end, it's very satisfying. It also helped me to increase my resilience. The life of an athlete isn't easy, it involves giving up a lot of day-to-day things, making a lot of efforts, but it also prepares us for life, I notice that I became much more resistant. Not just in racing, but mentally. And this I take for life.  

What is your favourite place to reflect and look for a solution to a  problem? Why?

Without a doubt, the beach. I've always loved the beach, whether in Portugal or in São Tomé, the ocean waves are very relaxing for me, being able to contemplate them both at dawn and at dusk (as long as it's not cold) is excellent to put ideas in place, or just sit there, whether on the sand or on a rock, looking at the horizon, helps clear your mind and build clearer ideas.

Sleeping also helps me a lot, I've already gone home thinking about a big problem that came up at work and that day I couldn't find a solution, however, after or during a good night's sleep, I came up with the solution, I got to the office and implemented it! Yes, I am one of those who remembers dreams the next day!  

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Tell us about an inaccessible place that you would love to visit. Why?

The Area 51 in Nevada near Los Angeles. It's a mythical space, no one (public in general) really knows what goes on inside. What tests/trainings are done on-site and exactly what it is for. Curiosity about the place started in a classic game, well known from the GTA saga (San Andreas) - a classic that I played a lot as a kid, and which I still play now. I spent many hours in Area 51 looking around and trying to figure out what was going on, virtually. If I could go there physically, I would love to clarify that curiosity. It is a top-secret base, created in 1955, during the cold war.  Nowadays we know it is exists because you can even see satellite images of the area, but no one knowns exactly what goes on inside. It would be an amazing experience!

If what motivates you professionally could be described as a place on the planet, what would it be? Why?

São Tomé. For sure! Because it's a place with a very rich culture and a lot to be discovered, with very friendly people, breathtaking landscapes (in a good way) and with a lot of business potential, especially in the IT area. There is an extremely young and qualified population linked to new technologies and where many things are lacking.

There are many young people who finished high school and are limited because they have nowhere to work, or wages are very low and many are forced to emigrate. Unfortunately, leaving isn't easy because there is great difficulty in obtaining visas, that's why many end up having to stay and look for a place to teach, which is equally underpaid. Many young people finish high school, but do not have the opportunity to continue their studies, most people, to be able to continue, have to wait for scholarships, which are few, and often the value attributed is also low. It motivates me to be able to help create jobs in the area and help develop people!

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Describe what your ideal place to work looks like?

An ideal place for me is a stress-free place with a wonderful view and good weather. I don't like being in freezing cold places. At the office, we have an amazing view of the Vasco da Gama bridge, I love that area, it allows me to look ahead and have a peaceful and relaxing view in between the daily stress.

Sometimes, at the end of the day, I sit and look at the bridge, and seeing the traffic between Lisbon and the south side, I start thinking about how lucky I am to not have to face it (it is also funny). I miss those times!

However, I've been working from home and ended up changing my ideals. A perfect place now is in the middle of nature, listening to the sea, birds singing... It's more relaxing and reassuring. I love working in quiet places, although I can concentrate in noisy places as well. I consider myself a Beach and nature lover.

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Tell us about an inaccessible place that you would love to visit. Why?

The Area 51 in Nevada near Los Angeles. It's a mythical space, no one (public in general) really knows what goes on inside. What tests/trainings are done on-site and exactly what it is for. Curiosity about the place started in a classic game, well known from the GTA saga (San Andreas) - a classic that I played a lot as a kid, and which I still play now. I spent many hours in Area 51 looking around and trying to figure out what was going on, virtually. If I could go there physically, I would love to clarify that curiosity. It is a top-secret base, created in 1955, during the cold war.  Nowadays we know it is exists because you can even see satellite images of the area, but no one knowns exactly what goes on inside. It would be an amazing experience!

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Describe what your ideal place to work looks like?

An ideal place for me is a stress-free place with a wonderful view and good weather. I don't like being in freezing cold places. At the office, we have an amazing view of the Vasco da Gama bridge, I love that area, it allows me to look ahead and have a peaceful and relaxing view in between the daily stress.

Sometimes, at the end of the day, I sit and look at the bridge, and seeing the traffic between Lisbon and the south side, I start thinking about how lucky I am to not have to face it (it is also funny). I miss those times!

However, I've been working from home and ended up changing my ideals. A perfect place now is in the middle of nature, listening to the sea, birds singing... It's more relaxing and reassuring. I love working in quiet places, although I can concentrate in noisy places as well. I consider myself a Beach and nature lover.

Are you one of those people who believe the best opportunities come when you're in the right place at the right time? Why?

Undoubtedly, being in the right place at the right time, ends up showing us opportunities that we most certainly wouldn't have if we were locked in a room or in a room without much connection to the outside world. However, we can create conditions that allow things to happen even without being present. I believe that our self-organization and the trust in those who work with us, if they are upstanding and honest, end up facilitating this and being used at any time and in any place. In the I.T. area, this is demonstrated every day, from anywhere, at any time, we can make things happen.

Describe what a dangerous place would be for you and how does that inspire you to deal with your professional challenges?

Currently, for me, a dangerous place is somewhere where electricity or internet may fail at any minute. However, this makes me stronger and more prepared, as it allows me to create alternative options so that this does not happen anymore.

Last year I was working from São Tomé and Príncipe, my hometown, where there are constant power outages, and the internet is extremely expensive. But this was not a limitation, as the advantages of working close to my family and in a more relaxed place allowed me to improve my work capacity a lot and brought an extra motivation to produce more and better. I had to adapt to a new reality, I immediately realized that I needed to get an electric generator, and it has been my great ally. I had to make extra investments, but this allowed me to work much more relaxed and without any limitations because, even if the main electricity source fails, I can produce my own and continue to work normally, any day and at any time.

Working from home all this time has made me more prepared for the challenges of day-to-day, it is necessary to create conditions so that the call does not drop in the middle of an important meeting with the client, or that there is no noise during calls disturbing the quality of the conversation. Obstacles can be complicated but overcoming them makes us stronger and better prepared for the future. I used to be an athlete (of obstacles), so the idea is to overcome one at a time to reach the goal as quickly as possible, it hurts, but in the end, it's very satisfying. It also helped me to increase my resilience. The life of an athlete isn't easy, it involves giving up a lot of day-to-day things, making a lot of efforts, but it also prepares us for life, I notice that I became much more resistant. Not just in racing, but mentally. And this I take for life.  

What is your favourite place to reflect and look for a solution to a  problem? Why?

Without a doubt, the beach. I've always loved the beach, whether in Portugal or in São Tomé, the ocean waves are very relaxing for me, being able to contemplate them both at dawn and at dusk (as long as it's not cold) is excellent to put ideas in place, or just sit there, whether on the sand or on a rock, looking at the horizon, helps clear your mind and build clearer ideas.

Sleeping also helps me a lot, I've already gone home thinking about a big problem that came up at work and that day I couldn't find a solution, however, after or during a good night's sleep, I came up with the solution, I got to the office and implemented it! Yes, I am one of those who remembers dreams the next day!  

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Tell us about an inaccessible place that you would love to visit. Why?

The Area 51 in Nevada near Los Angeles. It's a mythical space, no one (public in general) really knows what goes on inside. What tests/trainings are done on-site and exactly what it is for. Curiosity about the place started in a classic game, well known from the GTA saga (San Andreas) - a classic that I played a lot as a kid, and which I still play now. I spent many hours in Area 51 looking around and trying to figure out what was going on, virtually. If I could go there physically, I would love to clarify that curiosity. It is a top-secret base, created in 1955, during the cold war.  Nowadays we know it is exists because you can even see satellite images of the area, but no one knowns exactly what goes on inside. It would be an amazing experience!

If what motivates you professionally could be described as a place on the planet, what would it be? Why?

São Tomé. For sure! Because it's a place with a very rich culture and a lot to be discovered, with very friendly people, breathtaking landscapes (in a good way) and with a lot of business potential, especially in the IT area. There is an extremely young and qualified population linked to new technologies and where many things are lacking.

There are many young people who finished high school and are limited because they have nowhere to work, or wages are very low and many are forced to emigrate. Unfortunately, leaving isn't easy because there is great difficulty in obtaining visas, that's why many end up having to stay and look for a place to teach, which is equally underpaid. Many young people finish high school, but do not have the opportunity to continue their studies, most people, to be able to continue, have to wait for scholarships, which are few, and often the value attributed is also low. It motivates me to be able to help create jobs in the area and help develop people!

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