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In & of itself
Keep track of our latest achievements
CALL To Recognition
Sep 2021
To Know
In & of itself
Keep track of our latest achievements
CALL To Recognition
Sep 2021
In & of itself
CALL To Recognition
Sep 2021

Why should a living person want to climb a mountain, achieve a speed record or finish a marathon?

Simply because we like to overcome challenges.

It doesn't have to be because we are competing "against" others, but because we are competing against obstacles, limitations or fears.

Some of the funniest careers can be compared to certain sports: where the goal is to (progressively) overcome obstacles by taking one step at a time, training a lot,  learning from mistakes, and trying again - until we are ready to move towards the next goal (...this looks like a lot the tech world these days!).

To be challenged, sometimes we are pushed by circumstances, sometimes we make intentional choices. But there is one thing in common: we need to be available for certain things to happen to us.

Red Bull - Originate

In sports, success is often defined by measuring yourself against the competition. With little change to the landscape of Alaska since her first trip 10 years ago, big mountain skier Michelle Parker returns to Haines to test her skillset in the mountains. As she revisits some of the steepest, most unforgiving lines of her career, we discover that her metric for success isn't measured by competition, Alaskan spines or blower pow, but found within.

Jawwy Architecture Evolution Project

The Jawwy Architecture Evolution Project deliveries were recently subject to a Friendly User Testing phase where Business users had the chance to feel the new Jawwy Digital Experience.

This milestone was marked by the complexity of the joint architect, design, built, installation, and testing of many systems. Despite all the challenges the teams have withstood, this is an incredible milestone which reflect great teamwork.

As mentioned by Jawwy CTO, Hany Abou Shady, “it is a great achievement by all measure, our collective ability to turn this around from a far fetch to a ground reality that all FUT users have witnessed (…) , something that will be remembered and will continue to be an inspiration for the next waves of JAE”.

Celfocus Omnichannel SpringBoot Toolkit

Celfocus' Product Team has been diligently working on a toolkit that enables Developers to create their Microservices using SpringBoot, through Omnichannel SpringBoot Toolkit.

An important step to ease development with the product, while also reducing complexity and onboarding time.

The image below represent the conversion of a Microservices from Du.Ae project and their execution time.

The Core product is still developed using OSGI Technologies, however the team aims to isolate the product Tech Stack from bespoke projects and simplify deployment and startup times.  In the future,  some modules may be developed/converted to SpringBoot Framework or any other technology that best suits business needs.

MicrosoftTeams-image (108).png

Vodafone Ireland - AWS Portal is Live

The AWS Portal is Live at Vodafone Ireland with the new Adobe version (6.5).

This transformation project enabled the migration of the VFIE Portal operations to the AWS Cloud in line with the VF Group strategy. This project represents  one more operator with our CELFOCUS OmniChannel product in the Cloud.

100th Sprint at SIRO  

Celfocus and SIRO first celebrated their partnership in 2014 with an AMO support contract. In 2017,  the partnership evolved to a DevOps/Agile Service which supports the client's  entire digital transformation.
More recently, the team celebrated their  100th sprint which couldn't have been more successful, in the words of the client:

"The DevOps model, started out as a trial and has proven to be very effective method of delivering change to our software. With each sprint we enhance and improve SIRO’s order management application which is vital to our operations and our customers." Lydia Martin - Head of IT (SIRO)

"There is a very strong working relationship between Celfocus and SIRO and this is down to the work both teams put in to it together. I am also looking forward to an easing of restrictions and a move back to more face to face meetings as I believe we bring out the best in each other when we spend time together."  Suzanne – CTO (SIRO)

Tester's Day

The world celebrates September 9th as a way to create awareness on assuring high quality standards and solution sustainability in software development.

To celebrate the date Celfocus brought together three specialist, our very own Joel Campos Oliveira, Baris Sarialioglu, Managing Partner at TesterYou and Olivier Denoo, President of the ISTQB®, to share and discuss the vision on how these challenges will impact the future of Software Testing.

Missed the event, watch it on CALL TV.

Celfocus Tester's Day_Agenda.png

Acting with a purpose

Celfocus’ social responsibility programme continues to impact and place technology in the hands of society in order to create technology inclusion and literacy. Our vision for better lives in society happens when as many people as possible have access to the endless possibilities that technology unfolds.

Over this summer, Celfocus delivered 3 laptops and 3 monitors to Associação Jovem Despertar. However, this association continues to need our help for volunteer work in order to identify, prepare and repair older technological equipment so that they can continue to promote social and digital inclusion for young chilldren. Remember, Celfocus allows everyone to take one day per year for volunteer work.

Additionaly, Celfocus donated 7 laptops and 7 monitors to Student Keep, a long-standing collaboration with the association created during the COVID pandemic to provide students with the technological equipment required to continue their studies remotely.

If you wish to be part of the Social Responsibility, let us know at

Celfocus Website | Updates

A revised version of our corporate website content has been launched to improve how articles are accessible across the different sections.

As new content has been made available, we hope that our clients and future talent can reach what we are offering and who we are in an easy and intuitive manner.

Some examples to dive in:

Please, visit the website at:

More updates, coming soon. Stay tuned.

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Why should a living person want to climb a mountain, achieve a speed record or finish a marathon?

Simply because we like to overcome challenges.

It doesn't have to be because we are competing "against" others, but because we are competing against obstacles, limitations or fears.

Some of the funniest careers can be compared to certain sports: where the goal is to (progressively) overcome obstacles by taking one step at a time, training a lot,  learning from mistakes, and trying again - until we are ready to move towards the next goal (...this looks like a lot the tech world these days!).

To be challenged, sometimes we are pushed by circumstances, sometimes we make intentional choices. But there is one thing in common: we need to be available for certain things to happen to us.

Red Bull - Originate

In sports, success is often defined by measuring yourself against the competition. With little change to the landscape of Alaska since her first trip 10 years ago, big mountain skier Michelle Parker returns to Haines to test her skillset in the mountains. As she revisits some of the steepest, most unforgiving lines of her career, we discover that her metric for success isn't measured by competition, Alaskan spines or blower pow, but found within.

Jawwy Architecture Evolution Project

The Jawwy Architecture Evolution Project deliveries were recently subject to a Friendly User Testing phase where Business users had the chance to feel the new Jawwy Digital Experience.

This milestone was marked by the complexity of the joint architect, design, built, installation, and testing of many systems. Despite all the challenges the teams have withstood, this is an incredible milestone which reflect great teamwork.

As mentioned by Jawwy CTO, Hany Abou Shady, “it is a great achievement by all measure, our collective ability to turn this around from a far fetch to a ground reality that all FUT users have witnessed (…) , something that will be remembered and will continue to be an inspiration for the next waves of JAE”.

Celfocus Omnichannel SpringBoot Toolkit

Celfocus' Product Team has been diligently working on a toolkit that enables Developers to create their Microservices using SpringBoot, through Omnichannel SpringBoot Toolkit.

An important step to ease development with the product, while also reducing complexity and onboarding time.

The image below represent the conversion of a Microservices from Du.Ae project and their execution time.

The Core product is still developed using OSGI Technologies, however the team aims to isolate the product Tech Stack from bespoke projects and simplify deployment and startup times.  In the future,  some modules may be developed/converted to SpringBoot Framework or any other technology that best suits business needs.

MicrosoftTeams-image (108).png

Vodafone Ireland - AWS Portal is Live

The AWS Portal is Live at Vodafone Ireland with the new Adobe version (6.5).

This transformation project enabled the migration of the VFIE Portal operations to the AWS Cloud in line with the VF Group strategy. This project represents  one more operator with our CELFOCUS OmniChannel product in the Cloud.

100th Sprint at SIRO  

Celfocus and SIRO first celebrated their partnership in 2014 with an AMO support contract. In 2017,  the partnership evolved to a DevOps/Agile Service which supports the client's  entire digital transformation.
More recently, the team celebrated their  100th sprint which couldn't have been more successful, in the words of the client:

"The DevOps model, started out as a trial and has proven to be very effective method of delivering change to our software. With each sprint we enhance and improve SIRO’s order management application which is vital to our operations and our customers." Lydia Martin - Head of IT (SIRO)

"There is a very strong working relationship between Celfocus and SIRO and this is down to the work both teams put in to it together. I am also looking forward to an easing of restrictions and a move back to more face to face meetings as I believe we bring out the best in each other when we spend time together."  Suzanne – CTO (SIRO)

Tester's Day

The world celebrates September 9th as a way to create awareness on assuring high quality standards and solution sustainability in software development.

To celebrate the date Celfocus brought together three specialist, our very own Joel Campos Oliveira, Baris Sarialioglu, Managing Partner at TesterYou and Olivier Denoo, President of the ISTQB®, to share and discuss the vision on how these challenges will impact the future of Software Testing.

Missed the event, watch it on CALL TV.

Celfocus Tester's Day_Agenda.png

Acting with a purpose

Celfocus’ social responsibility programme continues to impact and place technology in the hands of society in order to create technology inclusion and literacy. Our vision for better lives in society happens when as many people as possible have access to the endless possibilities that technology unfolds.

Over this summer, Celfocus delivered 3 laptops and 3 monitors to Associação Jovem Despertar. However, this association continues to need our help for volunteer work in order to identify, prepare and repair older technological equipment so that they can continue to promote social and digital inclusion for young chilldren. Remember, Celfocus allows everyone to take one day per year for volunteer work.

Additionaly, Celfocus donated 7 laptops and 7 monitors to Student Keep, a long-standing collaboration with the association created during the COVID pandemic to provide students with the technological equipment required to continue their studies remotely.

If you wish to be part of the Social Responsibility, let us know at

Celfocus Website | Updates

A revised version of our corporate website content has been launched to improve how articles are accessible across the different sections.

As new content has been made available, we hope that our clients and future talent can reach what we are offering and who we are in an easy and intuitive manner.

Some examples to dive in:

Please, visit the website at:

More updates, coming soon. Stay tuned.

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Why should a living person want to climb a mountain, achieve a speed record or finish a marathon?

Simply because we like to overcome challenges.

It doesn't have to be because we are competing "against" others, but because we are competing against obstacles, limitations or fears.

Some of the funniest careers can be compared to certain sports: where the goal is to (progressively) overcome obstacles by taking one step at a time, training a lot,  learning from mistakes, and trying again - until we are ready to move towards the next goal (...this looks like a lot the tech world these days!).

To be challenged, sometimes we are pushed by circumstances, sometimes we make intentional choices. But there is one thing in common: we need to be available for certain things to happen to us.

Red Bull - Originate

In sports, success is often defined by measuring yourself against the competition. With little change to the landscape of Alaska since her first trip 10 years ago, big mountain skier Michelle Parker returns to Haines to test her skillset in the mountains. As she revisits some of the steepest, most unforgiving lines of her career, we discover that her metric for success isn't measured by competition, Alaskan spines or blower pow, but found within.

Jawwy Architecture Evolution Project

The Jawwy Architecture Evolution Project deliveries were recently subject to a Friendly User Testing phase where Business users had the chance to feel the new Jawwy Digital Experience.

This milestone was marked by the complexity of the joint architect, design, built, installation, and testing of many systems. Despite all the challenges the teams have withstood, this is an incredible milestone which reflect great teamwork.

As mentioned by Jawwy CTO, Hany Abou Shady, “it is a great achievement by all measure, our collective ability to turn this around from a far fetch to a ground reality that all FUT users have witnessed (…) , something that will be remembered and will continue to be an inspiration for the next waves of JAE”.

Celfocus Omnichannel SpringBoot Toolkit

Celfocus' Product Team has been diligently working on a toolkit that enables Developers to create their Microservices using SpringBoot, through Omnichannel SpringBoot Toolkit.

An important step to ease development with the product, while also reducing complexity and onboarding time.

The image below represent the conversion of a Microservices from Du.Ae project and their execution time.

The Core product is still developed using OSGI Technologies, however the team aims to isolate the product Tech Stack from bespoke projects and simplify deployment and startup times.  In the future,  some modules may be developed/converted to SpringBoot Framework or any other technology that best suits business needs.

MicrosoftTeams-image (108).png

Vodafone Ireland - AWS Portal is Live

The AWS Portal is Live at Vodafone Ireland with the new Adobe version (6.5).

This transformation project enabled the migration of the VFIE Portal operations to the AWS Cloud in line with the VF Group strategy. This project represents  one more operator with our CELFOCUS OmniChannel product in the Cloud.

100th Sprint at SIRO  

Celfocus and SIRO first celebrated their partnership in 2014 with an AMO support contract. In 2017,  the partnership evolved to a DevOps/Agile Service which supports the client's  entire digital transformation.
More recently, the team celebrated their  100th sprint which couldn't have been more successful, in the words of the client:

"The DevOps model, started out as a trial and has proven to be very effective method of delivering change to our software. With each sprint we enhance and improve SIRO’s order management application which is vital to our operations and our customers." Lydia Martin - Head of IT (SIRO)

"There is a very strong working relationship between Celfocus and SIRO and this is down to the work both teams put in to it together. I am also looking forward to an easing of restrictions and a move back to more face to face meetings as I believe we bring out the best in each other when we spend time together."  Suzanne – CTO (SIRO)

Tester's Day

The world celebrates September 9th as a way to create awareness on assuring high quality standards and solution sustainability in software development.

To celebrate the date Celfocus brought together three specialist, our very own Joel Campos Oliveira, Baris Sarialioglu, Managing Partner at TesterYou and Olivier Denoo, President of the ISTQB®, to share and discuss the vision on how these challenges will impact the future of Software Testing.

Missed the event, watch it on CALL TV.

Celfocus Tester's Day_Agenda.png

Acting with a purpose

Celfocus’ social responsibility programme continues to impact and place technology in the hands of society in order to create technology inclusion and literacy. Our vision for better lives in society happens when as many people as possible have access to the endless possibilities that technology unfolds.

Over this summer, Celfocus delivered 3 laptops and 3 monitors to Associação Jovem Despertar. However, this association continues to need our help for volunteer work in order to identify, prepare and repair older technological equipment so that they can continue to promote social and digital inclusion for young chilldren. Remember, Celfocus allows everyone to take one day per year for volunteer work.

Additionaly, Celfocus donated 7 laptops and 7 monitors to Student Keep, a long-standing collaboration with the association created during the COVID pandemic to provide students with the technological equipment required to continue their studies remotely.

If you wish to be part of the Social Responsibility, let us know at

Celfocus Website | Updates

A revised version of our corporate website content has been launched to improve how articles are accessible across the different sections.

As new content has been made available, we hope that our clients and future talent can reach what we are offering and who we are in an easy and intuitive manner.

Some examples to dive in:

Please, visit the website at:

More updates, coming soon. Stay tuned.

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