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CALL To Heat
Jul 2021
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CALL To Heat
Jul 2021
Hot on the trail
CALL To Heat
Jul 2021

There is always a solution

Several times, we hear the joke “Seems that we have a solution looking for a problem!”. The first thought that comes to our mind is that we have something less useful or out of our time. In many circumstances, it’s true, although this is not a “negative” thing.

It’s not rare that very different teams – in opposite parts of the world – invent similar solutions, despite the distance and the context. Many of us love to think and do new stuff. Ideas come to mind as desires!

But, solving existing problems is very important in practice. Meeting a real need is the most effective way to test and validate "good" and "bad" ideas, with committed stakeholders!

Combining imagination and existing needs is the most powerful way to change things in the world.

Keeping Cool In Extreme Heat

eSign Solution was adopted by Santander Portugal as the Digital Document Signature Solution.

Celfocus’ eSign solution centralizes all signature options in a single platform through a set of tools which address everything needed in this process, allowing signatures to be collected in real time with multiple signature options (including biometric, One-Time-Password, Citizen’s Card, Digital Mobile Key, USB Tokens, PKI and others), while also following all of the rules required for these types of operations.

Using this solution, Banco Santander Portugal will digitalise the signing of documents, thereby making this entire process more streamlined, efficient, delocalized, and sustainable. As a result, this will reduce time and cut costs, simplifying, and optimizing processes, and offering customers more user-friendly and innovative services.

Why this is important ?

  • We are building a reference of Digital Document Signature Solution at a major banking entity in Portugal;
  • This is a valuable footprint to reinforce our value proposition in this account, opening doors to new opportunities of collaboration, where we can exploring our digital offering;
  • Reference & business case for others geographies of Santander (in. Spain and UK);

What’s next?

  • Using this leverage to expand eSign for Santander Group (main targets Spain and UK);
  • Take advantage of the exposure that this process gave us to materialize in other collaborations in Digital scope;

See us in the news.

Diversity & Inclusion | We are committed to unleashing everyone’s full potential

We understand that diversity is at the heart of innovation and highly successful teams. As a company working side by side with clients and teams from all over the world, inclusion means intentionally bringing together people with diverse gender, sexual orientation, cultures, approaches, expertise, backgrounds, profiles and points of view.

We are building a workplace where people bring their authentic whole selves to work.

Let's create awareness and work to build a better and equal future for all.

If this topic means more than a nice idea, let’s brainstorm and give birth to initiatives towards a more diverse and inclusive work environment for all of us.

Join the working team by sending an email to showing your interest.


Celfocus & Analysis Days

Over the past two months, Celfocus held two events focused on sharing knowledge on what we do best from our offers, our methodologies to the experiences we learn from day in and day out.

Celfocus days, held between June 21st – 25th, gave internal and external public the opportunity to discover more about what it means to be Celfocus. In other words, what it means to be a Cognitive Explore, a Digital Creator and Team Builders. The three-day event focused on fostering data-driven innovation for the digital era, transforming businesses with customer-experience in mind and the power of our multi-disciplinary teams.

Analysis Days, held between July 5th- 8th, shared experiences, lessons-learned, tools and so much more about the way we do analysis at Celfocus. Exploring how analysis plays a role in the entire project lifecycle from sales to go live and how it is being done in this virtual context.

If you were unable to attend these events and are interested in any of the Webinars below, please visit CALL TV and use the playlist button to watch the day that most interests you.


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There is always a solution

Several times, we hear the joke “Seems that we have a solution looking for a problem!”. The first thought that comes to our mind is that we have something less useful or out of our time. In many circumstances, it’s true, although this is not a “negative” thing.

It’s not rare that very different teams – in opposite parts of the world – invent similar solutions, despite the distance and the context. Many of us love to think and do new stuff. Ideas come to mind as desires!

But, solving existing problems is very important in practice. Meeting a real need is the most effective way to test and validate "good" and "bad" ideas, with committed stakeholders!

Combining imagination and existing needs is the most powerful way to change things in the world.

Keeping Cool In Extreme Heat

eSign Solution was adopted by Santander Portugal as the Digital Document Signature Solution.

Celfocus’ eSign solution centralizes all signature options in a single platform through a set of tools which address everything needed in this process, allowing signatures to be collected in real time with multiple signature options (including biometric, One-Time-Password, Citizen’s Card, Digital Mobile Key, USB Tokens, PKI and others), while also following all of the rules required for these types of operations.

Using this solution, Banco Santander Portugal will digitalise the signing of documents, thereby making this entire process more streamlined, efficient, delocalized, and sustainable. As a result, this will reduce time and cut costs, simplifying, and optimizing processes, and offering customers more user-friendly and innovative services.

Why this is important ?

  • We are building a reference of Digital Document Signature Solution at a major banking entity in Portugal;
  • This is a valuable footprint to reinforce our value proposition in this account, opening doors to new opportunities of collaboration, where we can exploring our digital offering;
  • Reference & business case for others geographies of Santander (in. Spain and UK);

What’s next?

  • Using this leverage to expand eSign for Santander Group (main targets Spain and UK);
  • Take advantage of the exposure that this process gave us to materialize in other collaborations in Digital scope;

See us in the news.

Diversity & Inclusion | We are committed to unleashing everyone’s full potential

We understand that diversity is at the heart of innovation and highly successful teams. As a company working side by side with clients and teams from all over the world, inclusion means intentionally bringing together people with diverse gender, sexual orientation, cultures, approaches, expertise, backgrounds, profiles and points of view.

We are building a workplace where people bring their authentic whole selves to work.

Let's create awareness and work to build a better and equal future for all.

If this topic means more than a nice idea, let’s brainstorm and give birth to initiatives towards a more diverse and inclusive work environment for all of us.

Join the working team by sending an email to showing your interest.


Celfocus & Analysis Days

Over the past two months, Celfocus held two events focused on sharing knowledge on what we do best from our offers, our methodologies to the experiences we learn from day in and day out.

Celfocus days, held between June 21st – 25th, gave internal and external public the opportunity to discover more about what it means to be Celfocus. In other words, what it means to be a Cognitive Explore, a Digital Creator and Team Builders. The three-day event focused on fostering data-driven innovation for the digital era, transforming businesses with customer-experience in mind and the power of our multi-disciplinary teams.

Analysis Days, held between July 5th- 8th, shared experiences, lessons-learned, tools and so much more about the way we do analysis at Celfocus. Exploring how analysis plays a role in the entire project lifecycle from sales to go live and how it is being done in this virtual context.

If you were unable to attend these events and are interested in any of the Webinars below, please visit CALL TV and use the playlist button to watch the day that most interests you.


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There is always a solution

Several times, we hear the joke “Seems that we have a solution looking for a problem!”. The first thought that comes to our mind is that we have something less useful or out of our time. In many circumstances, it’s true, although this is not a “negative” thing.

It’s not rare that very different teams – in opposite parts of the world – invent similar solutions, despite the distance and the context. Many of us love to think and do new stuff. Ideas come to mind as desires!

But, solving existing problems is very important in practice. Meeting a real need is the most effective way to test and validate "good" and "bad" ideas, with committed stakeholders!

Combining imagination and existing needs is the most powerful way to change things in the world.

Keeping Cool In Extreme Heat

eSign Solution was adopted by Santander Portugal as the Digital Document Signature Solution.

Celfocus’ eSign solution centralizes all signature options in a single platform through a set of tools which address everything needed in this process, allowing signatures to be collected in real time with multiple signature options (including biometric, One-Time-Password, Citizen’s Card, Digital Mobile Key, USB Tokens, PKI and others), while also following all of the rules required for these types of operations.

Using this solution, Banco Santander Portugal will digitalise the signing of documents, thereby making this entire process more streamlined, efficient, delocalized, and sustainable. As a result, this will reduce time and cut costs, simplifying, and optimizing processes, and offering customers more user-friendly and innovative services.

Why this is important ?

  • We are building a reference of Digital Document Signature Solution at a major banking entity in Portugal;
  • This is a valuable footprint to reinforce our value proposition in this account, opening doors to new opportunities of collaboration, where we can exploring our digital offering;
  • Reference & business case for others geographies of Santander (in. Spain and UK);

What’s next?

  • Using this leverage to expand eSign for Santander Group (main targets Spain and UK);
  • Take advantage of the exposure that this process gave us to materialize in other collaborations in Digital scope;

See us in the news.

Diversity & Inclusion | We are committed to unleashing everyone’s full potential

We understand that diversity is at the heart of innovation and highly successful teams. As a company working side by side with clients and teams from all over the world, inclusion means intentionally bringing together people with diverse gender, sexual orientation, cultures, approaches, expertise, backgrounds, profiles and points of view.

We are building a workplace where people bring their authentic whole selves to work.

Let's create awareness and work to build a better and equal future for all.

If this topic means more than a nice idea, let’s brainstorm and give birth to initiatives towards a more diverse and inclusive work environment for all of us.

Join the working team by sending an email to showing your interest.


Celfocus & Analysis Days

Over the past two months, Celfocus held two events focused on sharing knowledge on what we do best from our offers, our methodologies to the experiences we learn from day in and day out.

Celfocus days, held between June 21st – 25th, gave internal and external public the opportunity to discover more about what it means to be Celfocus. In other words, what it means to be a Cognitive Explore, a Digital Creator and Team Builders. The three-day event focused on fostering data-driven innovation for the digital era, transforming businesses with customer-experience in mind and the power of our multi-disciplinary teams.

Analysis Days, held between July 5th- 8th, shared experiences, lessons-learned, tools and so much more about the way we do analysis at Celfocus. Exploring how analysis plays a role in the entire project lifecycle from sales to go live and how it is being done in this virtual context.

If you were unable to attend these events and are interested in any of the Webinars below, please visit CALL TV and use the playlist button to watch the day that most interests you.


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