To Know
Break the routine
Wellbeing is not just another buzzword
CALL To Wellbeing
Apr 2022
To Know
Break the routine
Wellbeing is not just another buzzword
CALL To Wellbeing
Apr 2022
Break the routine
CALL To Wellbeing
Apr 2022

With a push from the pandemic, the concept “wellbeing” has attracted much interest and is part of many companies’ agendas

But what does it really mean?

When we talk about wellbeing, we refer to the combination of physical, psychological and social aspects in our lives that influence our sense of balance, motivation, productivity and performance. More than just a “nice to have” idea, wellbeing should be a mindset.

In fact, research reveals that an integrated approach to workplace wellbeing can positively increase how people are engaged in their work-life projects, achieving more success, and resulting in a greater attachment.

Why is it important?

Many recent studies reveal that a significant people’s well-balanced physical, psychological, and social aspects lead to higher productivity, and, ultimately, to tangible benefits to each individual and for all those benefit from the project. In fact, evidence shows that there is a strong correlation between personal satisfaction, productivity, and customer loyalty, contributing to a healthy environment of self-realization.

The million-dollar question is… how can we achieve it?

Wellbeing is a two-way street

I recently bumped into a picture that impacted opinion on these matters:  everyone is responsible for promoting this common ground of wellbeing within the company.

Leadership is expected to check in on teams’ wellbeing practices, understand flexibility, acknowledge work-life preferences & circumstances, and to walk the talk by being role models. As for all of us, it is essential to set and stick to boundaries, make breaks a habit, and make sure there is time for our favorite hobbies.

So how can we make wellbeing part of our being?

We are all responsible for setting the grounds for a more human and empathetic way of working. It is up to each one of us to create a culture in which people are able to thrive and be well personally, professionally, physically, and financially.

Some habits are worth the effort, to experiment new forms to break the routine:

- Save at least 2 hours for focus time, lock your agenda, and stick to your plan, keep meetings short, max 1h, and meet only 9am-6pm. If a recurring meeting is not adding value... consider cancelling it.

- What about walking meetings? Yes, it is a meeting, but you can stand and even walk! Walking meetings are great for one-on-ones, especially when the focus is on relationship-building, and are also great when trying to solve a specific problem. If you need to take notes or work on spreadsheets, a walking meeting may not work, but a standing one will.

- Have a 5 min break between meetings and don’t skip lunch.

- Fan of knitting or song writing? Your hobbies will help you reduce stress, increase creativity and resilience when facing setbacks.

And don’t be ashamed…. If you feel you need some counselling you can use professional help to boost your emotional health, get in touch with our team of Psychologists here.

For anything related to health, prevention is always better than cure.

Aricle by Joana Matos

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With a push from the pandemic, the concept “wellbeing” has attracted much interest and is part of many companies’ agendas

But what does it really mean?

When we talk about wellbeing, we refer to the combination of physical, psychological and social aspects in our lives that influence our sense of balance, motivation, productivity and performance. More than just a “nice to have” idea, wellbeing should be a mindset.

In fact, research reveals that an integrated approach to workplace wellbeing can positively increase how people are engaged in their work-life projects, achieving more success, and resulting in a greater attachment.

Why is it important?

Many recent studies reveal that a significant people’s well-balanced physical, psychological, and social aspects lead to higher productivity, and, ultimately, to tangible benefits to each individual and for all those benefit from the project. In fact, evidence shows that there is a strong correlation between personal satisfaction, productivity, and customer loyalty, contributing to a healthy environment of self-realization.

The million-dollar question is… how can we achieve it?

Wellbeing is a two-way street

I recently bumped into a picture that impacted opinion on these matters:  everyone is responsible for promoting this common ground of wellbeing within the company.

Leadership is expected to check in on teams’ wellbeing practices, understand flexibility, acknowledge work-life preferences & circumstances, and to walk the talk by being role models. As for all of us, it is essential to set and stick to boundaries, make breaks a habit, and make sure there is time for our favorite hobbies.

So how can we make wellbeing part of our being?

We are all responsible for setting the grounds for a more human and empathetic way of working. It is up to each one of us to create a culture in which people are able to thrive and be well personally, professionally, physically, and financially.

Some habits are worth the effort, to experiment new forms to break the routine:

- Save at least 2 hours for focus time, lock your agenda, and stick to your plan, keep meetings short, max 1h, and meet only 9am-6pm. If a recurring meeting is not adding value... consider cancelling it.

- What about walking meetings? Yes, it is a meeting, but you can stand and even walk! Walking meetings are great for one-on-ones, especially when the focus is on relationship-building, and are also great when trying to solve a specific problem. If you need to take notes or work on spreadsheets, a walking meeting may not work, but a standing one will.

- Have a 5 min break between meetings and don’t skip lunch.

- Fan of knitting or song writing? Your hobbies will help you reduce stress, increase creativity and resilience when facing setbacks.

And don’t be ashamed…. If you feel you need some counselling you can use professional help to boost your emotional health, get in touch with our team of Psychologists here.

For anything related to health, prevention is always better than cure.

Aricle by Joana Matos

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With a push from the pandemic, the concept “wellbeing” has attracted much interest and is part of many companies’ agendas

But what does it really mean?

When we talk about wellbeing, we refer to the combination of physical, psychological and social aspects in our lives that influence our sense of balance, motivation, productivity and performance. More than just a “nice to have” idea, wellbeing should be a mindset.

In fact, research reveals that an integrated approach to workplace wellbeing can positively increase how people are engaged in their work-life projects, achieving more success, and resulting in a greater attachment.

Why is it important?

Many recent studies reveal that a significant people’s well-balanced physical, psychological, and social aspects lead to higher productivity, and, ultimately, to tangible benefits to each individual and for all those benefit from the project. In fact, evidence shows that there is a strong correlation between personal satisfaction, productivity, and customer loyalty, contributing to a healthy environment of self-realization.

The million-dollar question is… how can we achieve it?

Wellbeing is a two-way street

I recently bumped into a picture that impacted opinion on these matters:  everyone is responsible for promoting this common ground of wellbeing within the company.

Leadership is expected to check in on teams’ wellbeing practices, understand flexibility, acknowledge work-life preferences & circumstances, and to walk the talk by being role models. As for all of us, it is essential to set and stick to boundaries, make breaks a habit, and make sure there is time for our favorite hobbies.

So how can we make wellbeing part of our being?

We are all responsible for setting the grounds for a more human and empathetic way of working. It is up to each one of us to create a culture in which people are able to thrive and be well personally, professionally, physically, and financially.

Some habits are worth the effort, to experiment new forms to break the routine:

- Save at least 2 hours for focus time, lock your agenda, and stick to your plan, keep meetings short, max 1h, and meet only 9am-6pm. If a recurring meeting is not adding value... consider cancelling it.

- What about walking meetings? Yes, it is a meeting, but you can stand and even walk! Walking meetings are great for one-on-ones, especially when the focus is on relationship-building, and are also great when trying to solve a specific problem. If you need to take notes or work on spreadsheets, a walking meeting may not work, but a standing one will.

- Have a 5 min break between meetings and don’t skip lunch.

- Fan of knitting or song writing? Your hobbies will help you reduce stress, increase creativity and resilience when facing setbacks.

And don’t be ashamed…. If you feel you need some counselling you can use professional help to boost your emotional health, get in touch with our team of Psychologists here.

For anything related to health, prevention is always better than cure.

Aricle by Joana Matos

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