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CALL To Words
Jun 2022
To Know
Actions speak louder
Keep track of our latest achievements
CALL To Words
Jun 2022
Actions speak louder
CALL To Words
Jun 2022

Prepare yourself to say what should be said

Knowing that we think differently, "words" are the most suitable way to exchange ideas between humans!

During a negotiation in a project, it's hard to know what can and cannot be said to prevent a difficult situation from escalating. Usually, the use of belligerent words leads the negotiation to unpredictable results. The same can happen when we lack clarity in disclosing ideas and agreeing on decisions.

Keep in mind that it's difficult to unsay something that was wrongly said. Composing what to say before saying it will help in many situations, as the message will be more prudent!

Don't forget: before having a say, use your own words to write your idea on a piece of paper. It helps a lot!

Tension in projects? How not to swear

Celfocus at Future Net 2022

Celfocus proudly participated and sponsored FutureNet World 2022, and was honourably represented by João Pedro Barata, Analytics Centre of Excellence and Analytics Architecture Team Lead.

Approaching the major themes that take part of CSPs’ agenda when it comes to network automation and AI, the event was held physically at Tower Hotel, in London, gathering operators and Telco industry experts from around the world.

At the event, João unveiled the journey to becoming a data-driven company, covering topics like security, organizational culture and mindset and different types of cloud, on the first day of the event.


Celfocus, solutions by STC and Jawwy win the best digital transformation program award

The Telecoms World Middle East conference took place on May 24th and 25th in Dubai and brought together some of the industry’s leading stakeholders from across the entire telco ecosystem to collaborate and drive the performance and sustainability of new technology.

An opportunity for networking, and insight sharing on top trends from virtualization to programmable networks; 5G to the Internet-of-Everything; edge computing to cloud native networks, and so much more.

At this event, Celfocus had the opportunity to take the stand next to partners Hany Abou Shady, Head of Technology at Jawwy by stc and Jehad Altwairki, Vice President at solutions by STC and share the successful partnership that led to the delivery of a highly distributed, decoupled, microservices-based architecture for Jawwy by stc.

Providing the digital-born operator a next-level technological upgrade that meets both market and customers’ expectations, transforming customer digital channels and integration, with agility, efficiency and reliability in mind.

A partnership that has proven to be a true success story and awarding all three partners with the Best Digital Transformation Program award for operators at the Conference.

Celfocus is proud to be a part of this partnership and looks forward to the exciting future ahead.

Telecoms World Middle East conference

Celfocus is opening a new Delivery Centre in Egypt!

Egypt Delivery Centre (EDC) is an extension of Celfocus and an opportunity to the explore the EMEA region, aiming to onboard 150 colleagues by the end of 2023.

A delivery centre in this region represents our efforts to increase local presence in the region, strengthen lasting relationships leveraged on cultural proximity and increase our business. This positioning will also help us gain access to a pool of local and recognised talent that will support our company’s growth and delivery capability.

Cognitive Days

Celfocus Cognitive Days is a three-day digital event, that took place on May 24th, 25th and 26th, giving everyone, internal and external audience, full access to what we are doing within the Cognitive space.

  • Day 1 – May 24th
    We shared how we are revolutionising and capturing value from data to influence business decision making and changing the real world using NFTs and Customer Centric Marketing that personalises offers that increase customer happiness.
  • Day 2 – May 25th
    Showed how we are fostering innovation for the digital area, the real uses of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and how to build and deploy ML models efficiently.
  • Day 3 – May 26th
    On the last day of cognitive days, we looked into the opportunities of machine learning and deep reinforcement learning for 5G! & how cognitive technologies are shaping Celfocus’ value proposition and offers.
Cognitive Days

Missed this event?
Watch now on CALL TV. Use the playlist button on the menu bar and tune in.

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Prepare yourself to say what should be said

Knowing that we think differently, "words" are the most suitable way to exchange ideas between humans!

During a negotiation in a project, it's hard to know what can and cannot be said to prevent a difficult situation from escalating. Usually, the use of belligerent words leads the negotiation to unpredictable results. The same can happen when we lack clarity in disclosing ideas and agreeing on decisions.

Keep in mind that it's difficult to unsay something that was wrongly said. Composing what to say before saying it will help in many situations, as the message will be more prudent!

Don't forget: before having a say, use your own words to write your idea on a piece of paper. It helps a lot!

Tension in projects? How not to swear

Celfocus at Future Net 2022

Celfocus proudly participated and sponsored FutureNet World 2022, and was honourably represented by João Pedro Barata, Analytics Centre of Excellence and Analytics Architecture Team Lead.

Approaching the major themes that take part of CSPs’ agenda when it comes to network automation and AI, the event was held physically at Tower Hotel, in London, gathering operators and Telco industry experts from around the world.

At the event, João unveiled the journey to becoming a data-driven company, covering topics like security, organizational culture and mindset and different types of cloud, on the first day of the event.


Celfocus, solutions by STC and Jawwy win the best digital transformation program award

The Telecoms World Middle East conference took place on May 24th and 25th in Dubai and brought together some of the industry’s leading stakeholders from across the entire telco ecosystem to collaborate and drive the performance and sustainability of new technology.

An opportunity for networking, and insight sharing on top trends from virtualization to programmable networks; 5G to the Internet-of-Everything; edge computing to cloud native networks, and so much more.

At this event, Celfocus had the opportunity to take the stand next to partners Hany Abou Shady, Head of Technology at Jawwy by stc and Jehad Altwairki, Vice President at solutions by STC and share the successful partnership that led to the delivery of a highly distributed, decoupled, microservices-based architecture for Jawwy by stc.

Providing the digital-born operator a next-level technological upgrade that meets both market and customers’ expectations, transforming customer digital channels and integration, with agility, efficiency and reliability in mind.

A partnership that has proven to be a true success story and awarding all three partners with the Best Digital Transformation Program award for operators at the Conference.

Celfocus is proud to be a part of this partnership and looks forward to the exciting future ahead.

Telecoms World Middle East conference

Celfocus is opening a new Delivery Centre in Egypt!

Egypt Delivery Centre (EDC) is an extension of Celfocus and an opportunity to the explore the EMEA region, aiming to onboard 150 colleagues by the end of 2023.

A delivery centre in this region represents our efforts to increase local presence in the region, strengthen lasting relationships leveraged on cultural proximity and increase our business. This positioning will also help us gain access to a pool of local and recognised talent that will support our company’s growth and delivery capability.

Cognitive Days

Celfocus Cognitive Days is a three-day digital event, that took place on May 24th, 25th and 26th, giving everyone, internal and external audience, full access to what we are doing within the Cognitive space.

  • Day 1 – May 24th
    We shared how we are revolutionising and capturing value from data to influence business decision making and changing the real world using NFTs and Customer Centric Marketing that personalises offers that increase customer happiness.
  • Day 2 – May 25th
    Showed how we are fostering innovation for the digital area, the real uses of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and how to build and deploy ML models efficiently.
  • Day 3 – May 26th
    On the last day of cognitive days, we looked into the opportunities of machine learning and deep reinforcement learning for 5G! & how cognitive technologies are shaping Celfocus’ value proposition and offers.
Cognitive Days

Missed this event?
Watch now on CALL TV. Use the playlist button on the menu bar and tune in.

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Prepare yourself to say what should be said

Knowing that we think differently, "words" are the most suitable way to exchange ideas between humans!

During a negotiation in a project, it's hard to know what can and cannot be said to prevent a difficult situation from escalating. Usually, the use of belligerent words leads the negotiation to unpredictable results. The same can happen when we lack clarity in disclosing ideas and agreeing on decisions.

Keep in mind that it's difficult to unsay something that was wrongly said. Composing what to say before saying it will help in many situations, as the message will be more prudent!

Don't forget: before having a say, use your own words to write your idea on a piece of paper. It helps a lot!

Tension in projects? How not to swear

Celfocus at Future Net 2022

Celfocus proudly participated and sponsored FutureNet World 2022, and was honourably represented by João Pedro Barata, Analytics Centre of Excellence and Analytics Architecture Team Lead.

Approaching the major themes that take part of CSPs’ agenda when it comes to network automation and AI, the event was held physically at Tower Hotel, in London, gathering operators and Telco industry experts from around the world.

At the event, João unveiled the journey to becoming a data-driven company, covering topics like security, organizational culture and mindset and different types of cloud, on the first day of the event.


Celfocus, solutions by STC and Jawwy win the best digital transformation program award

The Telecoms World Middle East conference took place on May 24th and 25th in Dubai and brought together some of the industry’s leading stakeholders from across the entire telco ecosystem to collaborate and drive the performance and sustainability of new technology.

An opportunity for networking, and insight sharing on top trends from virtualization to programmable networks; 5G to the Internet-of-Everything; edge computing to cloud native networks, and so much more.

At this event, Celfocus had the opportunity to take the stand next to partners Hany Abou Shady, Head of Technology at Jawwy by stc and Jehad Altwairki, Vice President at solutions by STC and share the successful partnership that led to the delivery of a highly distributed, decoupled, microservices-based architecture for Jawwy by stc.

Providing the digital-born operator a next-level technological upgrade that meets both market and customers’ expectations, transforming customer digital channels and integration, with agility, efficiency and reliability in mind.

A partnership that has proven to be a true success story and awarding all three partners with the Best Digital Transformation Program award for operators at the Conference.

Celfocus is proud to be a part of this partnership and looks forward to the exciting future ahead.

Telecoms World Middle East conference

Celfocus is opening a new Delivery Centre in Egypt!

Egypt Delivery Centre (EDC) is an extension of Celfocus and an opportunity to the explore the EMEA region, aiming to onboard 150 colleagues by the end of 2023.

A delivery centre in this region represents our efforts to increase local presence in the region, strengthen lasting relationships leveraged on cultural proximity and increase our business. This positioning will also help us gain access to a pool of local and recognised talent that will support our company’s growth and delivery capability.

Cognitive Days

Celfocus Cognitive Days is a three-day digital event, that took place on May 24th, 25th and 26th, giving everyone, internal and external audience, full access to what we are doing within the Cognitive space.

  • Day 1 – May 24th
    We shared how we are revolutionising and capturing value from data to influence business decision making and changing the real world using NFTs and Customer Centric Marketing that personalises offers that increase customer happiness.
  • Day 2 – May 25th
    Showed how we are fostering innovation for the digital area, the real uses of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and how to build and deploy ML models efficiently.
  • Day 3 – May 26th
    On the last day of cognitive days, we looked into the opportunities of machine learning and deep reinforcement learning for 5G! & how cognitive technologies are shaping Celfocus’ value proposition and offers.
Cognitive Days

Missed this event?
Watch now on CALL TV. Use the playlist button on the menu bar and tune in.

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