The day we had to send everyone home due to the pandemic.
Nowadays, we talk about working from home as if it's the most natural thing in the world; indeed, going to the office has become an event.
But 4 years ago, working remotely at Celfocus was only for a special reason. Most of our projects weren't even prepared for remote work, and it was quite common to need to be in the office to access some of the clients' services.
About 4 years ago, I was the tech lead of a project that had such access limitations, when we saw the issue of a potential pandemic gaining more and more dimension. In this way, together with the project's delivery manager, we took the initiative to start preparing the project for the eventual need to leave the office and start working from home. In just one week, we managed to make it possible to work on the project from home with very few limitations still to be addressed, yet, with even more alarming news coming in, we made the decision (even without an official decision from Celfocus) to tell our people to start working from home as a precaution. At that moment, we didn't know it would be the last time we'd enter the office in that year. The following week it became official, a communication from Celfocus came out indicating that everyone should start working from home.
I know this will sound cliché... but I think the phrase "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" fits perfectly here; the pandemic times have thoroughly tested our ability to adapt.