Don't think outside the box

Great leaders transform organizations by thinking INSIDE the box

Call To Learning — Sep 2022

What leaders and entrepreneurs need to navigate today’s complex world by Lard Sudmann.

A lot of organizations and companies want to transform themselves. And if you want to transform you have to think outside the box, right? Maybe not always. In this funny, insightful and thought-provoking talk leadership expert Lars Sudmann lays out why thinking INSIDE the box can drive transformation. After exploring the typical pain points of transformation he shows 3 surprising and actionable boxes that everybody can employ for their own teams and organizations. Lars Sudmann speaks, writes and consults on leadership, change and innovation. His work focuses on what leaders and entrepreneurs need to navigate today’s complex world. He draws on his experience as a former corporate executive as well as on his roles as startup advisor, university lecturer and corporate transformation council director.