Never stop questioning
Chain Reaction - Why him/her?
A series of questions, each caused by the previous one
By asking a variety of questions, which must be responded quickly and to the point, colleagues identify the person that first comes to mind when asked a tricky question. In the last edition of chain reaction, we left off with Liliana who prefers being behind the scenes.
Which one of your colleagues usually needs proof to believe the solution selected is the way to go?
Nuno because he always wants to know why a specific solution is chosen and what are possible alternatives.
Who at Celfocus would you kindly call our “mad scientist”?
Rafael Barbosa
Which of your colleagues doesn’t mind using his gut feeling to make a decision?
Sérgio Sá
Who at Celfocus likes confirming the practical with the theoretical? Why?
Daniel because he likes reading all the studies out there.
Which of your colleagues likes confirming everything twice before moving forward?
José Semedo. After a few long nights and some weekends, “A burnt child dreads the fire” (gato escaldado de água fria tem medo)
Which of your colleagues believes a little superstition is good for a project. Why?
Joel Gomes of course, because he has a Buddha in his workstation.
“An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea." – Buddha