Breaking new ground

Keep track of our latest achievements

Call To US — Jun 2020

Congratulations to us!

We are going through an important period in our history, where we are no longer a joint-venture with Vodafone Portugal.

During 20 years we became a Vodafone preferred supplier and partner, with a long track record. Our very first client relationship has not weakened, it has in fact become stronger and more dependent on us than ever.

It's also a period in which we expand our team to open up horizons in new offers and new markets. We are still specialists in Telecommunications because we don't forget our experience and knowledge, and we now know a lot about the financial sector too!

But, above all, we are specialists in transforming customers' technology, as few know how to do.
All of this happens in the year that we celebrate 20 years of many success stories, that give us the strength to start a new journey, which will make us a bigger "us".

Facebook - Born in Quarantine

June 2020

MVP delivered @ The Vodafone Group 

Within the IoT domain, Celfocus recently delivered the MVP for the new Consumer eCommerce platform that will be formally launched at the end of July. The new platform will allow the Vodafone Group to operationalise and evolve the Commercial Operations of V products, such as add new products, price changes, promotions, vouchers, bundles, etc. in an easier and faster way. In addition, with this solution Vodafone will gain a higher level of optimisation and independency in managing eCommerce changes in “real time” by implementing a Product Catalogue.

In this MVP, minimum valuable product, Celfocus:

  • empowered the AEM eCommerce module
  • removed all ZenGarden dependencies, separate from
  • reviewed vShop journeys as to improve the customer experience
  • built a brand new checkout flow from basket to order, fully integrated with the Vodafone payment system using Magento technology
  • implement a new Voucher system and a new Product catalogue

Onboarding new clients for Bankinter

In May, we launched Bankinter’s mobile solution for Digital Onboarding.

This solution ensures a fully digital experience for new customers, avoiding the hassle of outdated, bureaucratic and in-person processes. Our mobile approach, available for Android and IoS, transformed the outdated account opening procedure that we all know, into an easy and smooth experience accessible anytime and everywhere.

This successful delivery, reinforces our FSI Digital offer on Customer and Business value and positions our team as a Bankinter partner for core processes.

Celfocus at JNation 2020

Celfocus supported, for the third year in a row, JNation – an event dedicated to Java, JavaScript and Data Science enthusiasts.
Taking place last June 2nd, this edition was fully digital! You were able to select your favorite presentation, from a great panel of international speakers and diverse topics, and access live in three rooms – Aeminium, Mondego and Almedina.
Throughout the day, over 450 people connected (with a highest peak of 735 visitors), in a total of  5200 viewing hours and networked via slack. Celfocus, and other renowned brands, opened all online conferences. 



Out of the Pandemic - Celfocus & Student Keep 

Out of the Pandemic was a community built from scratch within Celfocus, during the pandemic, by a group of people eager to help those in need. After weeks of interactions and field research, the community voted to support remote teaching challenges and partner with a trusted project that has built a working and multidisciplinary structure.
Student Keep is a project under the #tech4COVID19 movement that works to fight inequality in access to education, by identifying keepers, that will donate materials (computers, tablets, internet, mouse, keyboard) to students without access to them and gathering volunteers that will perform the necessary technical interventions in such equipment.

How has Celfocus helped? 


Several colleagues have signed up to support the project in technical interventions (computer formatting, installations etc.). This help will speed up access to equipment for those in need.


Simultaneously, colleagues have used the project’s website to register their unused equipment to be distributed to those in need.

Celfocus has also supported Student Keep by funding the purchase of additional equipment for as many students as possible. Keep up with this community by joining the Out of the Pandemic channel on Microsoft Teams.