Being a Celfie

What it means to be Celfocus

Call To Celfies — Dec 2021 by Didia Gabriel

Celfies are all of us.

Celfies are unique individuals working collaboratively under the same “roof” (Celfocus).
A roof that values and promotes individuality in everyday actions and where being yourCelf first is a priority. This means we are diverse in gender, sexual orientation, cultures, approaches, expertise, backgrounds, profiles, and points of view.

Accepting, respecting, and living this individuality and unleashing its full potential allows us to come together as a team, as celfies.

And while we may be different, we hold a lot in common.

When we come together, we are:

  • Passionate about what we do and how we can make the best of technology an enabler of change at our clients and in society.
  • Collaborative thinking and doing by joining our individual strengths, skills, and experience in everything we do to get things done.  
  • Creative in creating solutions that make an impact in real-world challenges.
  • Adaptable to challenge and changes that come our way from the different sectors, regions, and technologies we work with.

Being a Celfie means you are you within Celfocus.
Be yourself. Be a Celfie.